WINNING LINESKind the debut of this model yachts was held in the summer of 1981 at the Moscow city competition modelers. Attention athletes was attracted by the unusual hull shape: broad grancey nose, frames Charpy and a large ratio of width to draught. All this has not previously been used in sailing vessels of this class. The experiment was successful: the model showed excellent driving performance both on passing and on sharp courses.

What are the advantages of the new lines? First of all they combines the positive properties of a wide body during the movement of the yacht at full rates, and the increase of the length of the waterline that occur when you roll on sharp courses. The case has high seaworthiness. And one more advantage — this lines the most technologically advanced when used for sheathing plywood.
Plating and frames of the model out of plywood with a thickness of 1-1,5 mm, longitudinal set of pine slats with a cross-section 4×6 mm 8X16 mm. and Remember that the glue must be waterproof, it is best to apply epoxy resin.
Production of the model starts with the layout of the frames ka Plaza. All data for this are shown in table blazovich ordinate at which the height from the keel line, and in width from the median plane (DP). In frames 1 through 8 cut the relief, as shown on the drawings, and the bow and stern transoms make solid.
Below deck in the DP install Midel’veys rail section 8X16 mm and a length of 1270 mm. the cutouts in the frames under it and under the stringers (cross-section 4X6 mm) should be performed very precisely.
The slipway for Assembly is a smooth planed Board with a length of 1300 mm. Spaced diametrical plane and the position of the frames, three brackets attach Midel’veys, and then stick to it frames. After the adhesive has cured, install the stringers and snap them into the frames with rubber threads.
Keel fin.
The keel fin.
The hull plating is performed sequentially, starting with the sides, the pairs of belts. The face kit sand glued on the surface with dimensions of about 100×200 mm. face of the Zygomatic process after the plating of sides and bottom after the plating of the zygomatic zones. After graduating from hull plating, grind it with fine sandpaper and remove the stocks.
Inside the case, install the keel well aft of the fin, heliport and deck mounts. The sides of the well cut-out plywood. Between them fasten a pine slats with a width of 11 mm and at the top of the spacer bar. The lower edge of the well simmered for trim of 3 mm to Assemble this design on glue directly to the hull. The slot in the bottom should be strictly symmetric DP. Inside the hull the keel well attached straps to the Midel’veys, underbody and bulkhead No. 5. The outside should be sealed with clay, mixed with small wood ‘sawdust. Hole Ø 6.5 mm bolt mounting fin in the Midel’veys drill strictly on the DP.
The length of the tube Ø 6-7 mm for elimport choose to the body. On the deck he stands at 5 mm, and under the bottom by 2 mm. At the ends of the tube solder sleeve with a height of 4-5 mm, hole diameter 3.2 mm.
The aft fin is cut out of plywood with a thickness of 5-6 mm. Front edge of the fin is rounded, giving it the form of aerodynamically shaped, aft narrow down to 1 mm. Fin along with gilmorton insert the body and strengthen the rails.
Below deck mounting are two carlings of Reiki 4×6 mm. From bulkhead No. 3 to the stern they are located at a distance of 55 mm from the Midel’veys, and the size gradually decreases to 40 mm to the bow transom of the boat. To the last under the deck glue the rail section 4×6 mm.
Strap section 8X16 mm glue to the stern transom, along the sides between the third and fifth frames and beams of the third and sixth frames.
Design model
Design models (bottom – Poloshirt and a set of case):
1 – housing 2 — lanyard 3 — sheet winch 4, the jib-boom, 5 — staysail, 6 — forestay, 7 cave, 8 – palova plate headsail, 9 – weight, 10 – lats 11 — mast, 12-palova plate of the grotto. The 13 vane, 14 — thrusters 15 — the rudder 16 is the aft fin, 17 — keel fin, 18 is a ballast, 19 — terminal of the grotto-sheet, 20 — grog-boom, 21 — boom sheet, 22 — Shkotovo epaulets, 23 — geek-guy, 21 — steps, 26 — shtag-putene.

Theoretical drawing: the projection of
Theoretical drawing: the projection of “housing”.
Design web
Design web:
1 — Midel’veys, 2 — carlings, 3 — frame. 4 — stringer, 5 — casing, 6 Kil.

Before you install the deck make a sketch below deck mounts to Then just set it on sensible things and palmaceae fastening. The deck attach the same as the bottom trim. Now need nasal bevels. They are designed to mitigate the impact of waves during the course of the wind Mark the bevels on the body, trim their slizovskiy or fine hacksaw. The contour of the cut glue of Reiki. The manufacture of the body ends with the gluing and machining of plating on the bevel.
If you collect model epoxy before installing the trim panel from the inner side of the cover with a thin layer of resin. Outside on assembled housing, apply the same layer resin diluted with acetone. After curing and complete drying of the mixture treat the body with sandpaper, Prime with lacquer AK-20 and top nitro.
The keel fin can be made of various materials. The easiest way to cut it out of plywood 10 mm thick. Using a plane, file, n emery paper, give details of the aerodynamically shaped form.
The slot in the top of the fin glue metal plate with a threaded hole M6. Coaxially to the deck, drill a hole Ø 6,5 mm.
Ballast mold from lead. The shape can be hollow in the wood, making a vertical slot. The inner surface of the matrix carefully apply. Gating the entrance funnel must have Ø 12-15 mm, and the upper hole of the sprue — 50 mm. bow shape make flash — hole 0 8mm. the Half-forms of pull clamps. Cast on the size of the drawing, the ballast must weigh 4,2 kg. Ballast is best mounted on the fin strips of brass with a thickness of 0.5 mm. Lower edge of zaplovite in ballast, and the upper hugging fin. To join strips of brass with fin by means of three rivets Ø 4 mm.
The wheel
Steering wheel:
1 — Midel’veys, 2 — screw МЗХ15, 3 — tiller, 4 — rudder, 5 — aft fin, 6 — rudder, 7 — elimport.

Pitching well
Pitching well:
1 Kil, 2 — fifth frame, 3 — rail, 4 — metal plate, 5 — bolt М6Х35, 6 — stud placket, 7 — deck, 8 rail, 9 — strip, 10 — Midel’veys, 11 — panel, 12 — strip.

The surface of the fin seal, prosopalgia, treat skin and coat with waterproof paint.
The size and location of the sails of the model shown in the pictures. The mast height of 1600 mm is set with an inclination in the feed at 40 mm. the Forestay is attached at a height of 1240 mm. shown in the drawing the alignment is calculated on the close-hauled courses and galfvind. When setting up a yacht for a more full courses of the sail should shift forward by 30-40 mm.
Auto steering wheel, is provided with the model, helps to keep the boat on a given course, especially with a tail wind.
I suggest you before entering the competition to see if your model matches the measurement limitations of the yacht grade M.

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