BOAT FOAMFor training younger students in ship modeling circle city of Kaspiysk, Dagestan Soviet Rupublic under the leadership of V. Tolchennikov developed a model of the yacht foam. It is easy to manufacture, does not require scarce materials and skills from the guys. Students in grades 2-4, resting in the pioneer camp will be able to produce a model for two or three days. In addition, such yachts can get the best results that will allow children to learn the rules of the competition and the judging.

The hull is made from packing foam. The marking of the workpiece is made with a soft pencil on a cardboard or plywood template of the deck. On drawn lines case filing saw blade linen or thermoresistor, they do the trimming of the rise of the keel line towards the stern. Further processing of the case is made of coarse sandpaper. The contours of the yacht — the taste of the Modeler; it is important to keep the symmetry of the body. The size of the model only for the length of the workpiece allows the children to experiment widely in the form of contours and to choose, in the opinion of each, its the best design. Therefore, given the figures the dimensions are approximate and may vary by modelers.
General view and main dimensions of the model.
General view and main dimensions of the model:
1 — vessel 2 — eye for attaching the jib the forestay and fore-stays (pin ring), 3 — staysail, 4 — for-forestay, 5 — the jib forestay, 6 — mast, 7 — guy 8 — grotto 9 — Akhter-forestay, 10 — node mounting of the boom to the mast, 11 geek, 12 — boom-sheet, 13 — epaulet of the boom-sheet, 14 — ring for attaching Akhter-the forestay (pin), 15 — thimble staysail-sheet (paper clip), 16 — fin-keel 17 — freight 18 — eye fastening vant (pin), 19 — bow trim, 20 — podmazova fretboard, 21 side plates, 22 — plate bracket overhead boom-sheet, 23 — aft trim.
On the deck of the finished hull painted stick pads for mounting the mast, cables and brackets overhead boom-sheet. Fin-keel made the same as overlays of plywood with thickness of 3-4 mm, is glued into the groove in the housing on the PVA glue. The load on the fin-keel with a weight of 100 g is more convenient to hook up to it inserts, immediately after painting.
The mast and boom are carved from pine slats with a cross section of 6X6 mm. Blanks can be saw on the machine “Skillful hands”, a kit which includes a device for cutting plywood and boards up to a thickness of 6 mm disc milling cutter for wood. To ensure that the mast is turned round, first sostragivajut the rails the corners so that it becomes octagonal, and then processed with a file or sandpaper. Gik can make round, as a mast, and can be left rectangular cross section, treating the surface of the workpiece cloth.
The site of attachment of the boom to the mast.
The attachment of the boom to the mast:
1 — mast, 2 — hinge (pins with rings), 3 — gik.
For mounting the boom to the mast pins are used with a ring. One of them stuck the pliers into the end of the boom and the other to the mast. It should be taken not to split the wood parts. The tip of the pin protruding from the mast, bites with wire cutters flush with the surface of the mast. Then rings pins engage each other. The same pins are used at the hull, stays and guys.
Standing rigging—the shrouds, stays, boom and jib sheets — are made from thick threads (number 10 or even thicker). They are not so confused and torn when the model will cling to any aquatic or riparian vegetation.
The sails are made from scraps of cotton or any other thin and thick fabric. In color they can be very diverse — the brighter, the better: they are easier to distinguish during competitions. When cutting should always make sure that the warp threads of the fabric were located along the longest side of the flag. Edge of the sails is sheathed by a thin thread or impregnated with waterproof glue (Amalita, rubber glue, glue “Mars”), the same glue the sails attached to the mast and boom. Sheet angle the sail is greater than 90°, and galbavy corner of the cave is less than 90°. Values of angles are selected by the children. For ease of attaching sails to the mast galbavy the angle of the mainsail is cut to 7-10 mm.
Cutting and marking of sails.
Cutting and marking of sails:
1 — the front part (edge) of the sail, 2 — rear leech of the headsail, 3 — bottom part of the headsail, 4 — sheet angle the sail, 5 — halawy the angle of the headsail, 6 — valovyj the angle of the headsail, 7 — galbavy corner of the grotto, 8 — sheet corner of the grotto, 9 — halowy corner of the grotto, 10 — the hammer (the value is chosen arbitrarily).
1 — body keel (plywood 3-4 mm), 2 — a weight of 100 g, 3 — rivet (aluminium, Ø 2-3 mm).
Adjustment is to change the location of the sails with the different courses relative to the wind. When cool to the wind courses the Scots choose, reeling thread of the sheet on the clip, and at a full — spreading. In addition, if the model uvarivaetsja, you have to ease off (dissolve) the jib sheet or to select (pull) boom-sheet.
V. TOLCHENNIKOV, head of ship modeling circle

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