We have previously described a pretty complicated path of development of the French submarine fleet before the First world war (see “M-K” No. 4 of 2014), consisting in the infinite “adjustment to the ideal of” small series of submarines that are created by different designers, had sometimes opposite views on what should be an underwater vehicle, using a variety of engines. But they have all been very far from ideal, and often just a little efficient. Although gradually emerging common to all ship builders in different countries the idea is pretty universal large boats, the French version of the fatal August of 1914 looked still very indistinct.
After the Second world war, the army of the victorious countries have experienced a surplus of armored vehicles. Most directly it was the most massive tank of the Western allies, “Sherman”. Suffice it to say that by the end of the summer of 1945 in the army of the coalition, there were about 20 thousand military vehicles of this type. It is quite natural that from such a number of tanks, which has become unnecessary in time of peace, it was necessary to get rid of. Alternative to send to the smelter, which is also widely practiced, was the transfer or sale of tanks to other countries.
In 1959, the English firm Wesland received a license for the construction of helicopter S-61 design I. Sikorsky, which was later created in several versions. One of them was designed for the British Royal Navy anti-submarine helicopter SEA KING HAS.Mk.1. Equipped with British engines and equipment intended for independently, without communication with the ship-based search and destruction of submarines. Carrier-based variant of the SEA KING HAS.Mk.1 equipped with a folding tail fairing to facilitate placement on the ships.
In early may 1938 in one of the most beautiful places in the world, the Bay of Naples, reigned naprjazhennejshie waiting. On the vast surface of the water lined up more than two hundred ships under the flags of the Kingdom of Italy with small patches of German. However, the celebration was held not in honor of the king met the two leading Nazi leader, autocratic rulers and dictators of their countries, gathered to soon conquer all of Europe and, if possible, and the world.
The legendary 2-seater convertible AC Cobra is the best known sports car in the world, which eventually turned the laurels and one of the centenarians on the planet, produced for more than 50 years without significant changes. It intertwined British style conservative, austere sport “classics” with open bodies and American spirit of a powerful track racing car.
Analysis of the use of wheeled armored cars (BA) in local wars and armed conflicts of recent decades have shown the need to further increase their survivability. Established that a significant danger to them are bombs and mines placed on the roads. So, on average, more than 30% of the armored cars was out of action from defeat by them, 40% of cases can be attributed to the share of small arms, the remaining percentage accounts for the impact of hand-held antitank grenade launchers and missiles. However, in operations such as, for example, the Iraqi “desert Storm” or Somali “Revival of hope”, the loss of U.S. armored vehicles against mines and improvised explosive devices (IEDs) accounted for 60%, much higher than all averages.