The durability of even the most modern electronic devices (EEW) is inferior to semiconductor counterparts. In most cases this is due to the emissivity of the cathode. The matter is further complicated by the fact that the diagnostic tool (commercially available instruments for measurement and control of emission current) is, unfortunately, very expensive, difficult to operate, as they contain a “naughty” anode and grid rectifiers, which are designed to create to check the lamp mode is close to the working. The received data are plotted, calculated certain characteristics, and by means of which required parameters.
Ham radio
I have developed a mini system is to automatically maintain the desired temperature and air humidity in the oven, covered boxes, as well as in greenhouses or other spaces. The design of it is basically block-aggregation (Fig. 1); mounting quite on forces to everyone who at least once in your life going even without soldering, and using connectors and twisting some simple electro – or radio circuit.
The availability of modern element base used in television remote controls (remote control), allows you to create a simple counter connected to the receiving side of the computer LPT port, adapting all this to count, such as boxes with finished products on the conveyor.
I want to share my version of the functional generator frequency sweep for the home lab. Consuming from the electrical power source 50 mA, is a compact, fairly simple to manufacture, the device generates periodic signals are sinusoidal, rectangular, triangular, and rectangular pulses for testing and tuning of the instrument, made on modern element base.
The agricultural theme, perhaps the most characteristic in the work of young radio Amateurs from syut Novosibirsk region. 14 new products — electronic devices for agriculture — provided they are meeting in Magnitogorsk. The originality of technical solutions, the relevance of development of children marked by the true: the majority of devices are awarded with diplomas and valuable prizes.
A commercially available power supply units are Chinese — made adapters have several advantages: they have an attractive modern design; dimensions distinguished by compactness; the scheme includes step adjustment of the output voltage based on the “razgovornoy” load; it is also important that there are acceptable for many price. However, they are not without, unfortunately, and specific disadvantage: during operation, they are “kicking”. Annoying piercing buzz with twice the mains frequency, particularly when using paired with a player or radio.
The weight started with the fact that the employee of the bell States telephone laboratories in new Jersey (USA) D. Hagelbarger created in the early 50-ies of the cybernetic device to play the so-called “coin”.
Check slabovidimym acoustic signals is of great practical importance. This: fault diagnosis of internal combustion engines; search for places of leakage of gas from the damaged pipeline networks; early detection of diseases of internal organs; organization of acoustic communication and alarm systems; capture seismography, noise of different origin, including sounds of nature (birds singing, for example) and many more.
Electronic games with liquid crystals (especially “Nu, pogodi”) children love and appreciate. The disappearance of the “multisignal” a pair of WOLF-HARE “pocket” of the screen is perceived yet children sometimes worse than all misery. And who, if not us, adults (and even more so — consider themselves Amateurs with experience), not to please the younger generation quickly repaired electronic game.
Most of the machines and mechanisms used in industry, agriculture and the service sector, by themselves, unfortunately, still not working. These mechanisms have to enable, disable, change their speed and direction of movement, etc., it is necessary to control their work.