FLYING Original swings will be interesting not only for preschoolers but also older children, because of their design, proposed by the Polish magazine “Throb himself”, brings to use a game element. The production of this flying horse is available to each of the parents — so simple is the device in closer examination of details. Also important is the fact that do not need special tools or missing parts — only what I usually have on hand at any DIY.

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HUMBLE BUT STRONGI love tinkering and doing this for a long time; in many ways helps your magazine. So I decided to share my humble experience. A few years ago, designed his own house table. I don’t even know how to call it — whether coffee, whether still any. The fact is that as a way it has not been used! And a TV stood on it, and radio, and had Breakfast on it, and dined, and played. He is still in excellent condition.

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Party NTTM, army innovator Y. Bandurko, suggested a simple device for cutting steel wire rope. Steel is the base plate to which are welded crosswise arranged vertical edge guides. Between them with the edge of the knife upwards to fit the bar, he lowered the rope, and the top plate is inserted into the mandrel. Then all of this fixture Assembly is installed under the press, the mandrel takes its stress on itself and presses on the rope, cutting it on the blade of the knife block.

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GAS — LIKE ELECTROIt would seem that not so long ago appeared in our kitchens “blue light” — the first of the Saratov gas. The enthusiasm that accompanied the displacement of them wood-burning stoves, kerosene stoves and kerosene stoves, over time, subsided. Gas was not an ideal fuel for stoves. The allocation during the combustion of harmful substances, the constant danger — and suddenly blow out the flames the wind and the room is filled with explosive mixture, — all this has led to the fact that gas stoves were gradually superseded by electric. The advantages of the latter compensate for even that heat the burner costs a bit more expensive.

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JEWELRY WITH THEIR OWN HANDSDuring archaeological excavations of ancient burial mounds and graves along with different kinds of jewelry in many meet the beautiful decorations, made of copper. Try your hand in the manufacture of such jewellery available to everyone — you just use a copper wire and a simple improvised devices, prompted by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.

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COLUMN FOR THE COLORSWhen I see the graceful and beautiful thing, there is an overwhelming desire to do the same Start thinking how to make it easier so I made the column rack for flowers, only four parts And what came out of it, seen in pictures and drawings. I’ll tell you more as to get a rack of accessible materials. I myself first of all, in order not to complicate the work, bought a thin baluster ends of square section with dimensions of 40×40 mm (better to grind it yourself still failed) And the round countertop cut himself, with a diameter of 380 mm, thickness — 30 mm.

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