In older homes often the meter mounted in a small wall niche not only Can decorate it, but generally prudently to use this space, embedding here a simple rack-column Design it is not difficult, because in contrast to the modern furniture it has no load-bearing side panels — their function will take on the niche wall to which left and right will be mounted stand — a support for shelves and doors.
Once in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” I read the article “the Farmer’s sloping field.” The air route is very much needed in the highlands. But in nature, there are many horizontal areas, overgrown shrubbery, marshy ravines, through which transportation of cargo is also very difficult. In addition, many farms have often to move cargo over short distances — for example, on farms. For this I suggest using a rope conveyor. It is much easier air road, offers the opportunity to assemble the system on their own, for example, in the workshops of the kolkhoz or sovkhoz.
The bed design is offered to the readers of the magazine, outwardly differs nothing from the purchase, but has dignity, and to connect that our furniture industry is still unable lightweight, strong and collapsible. The bed is easy to manufacture, does not require high carpentry skills, there is no metal products, except screws. It consists of the following main parts of the frame-frame, podmatrasnye panel (deck), front and rear backrest and four legs.