The seeder is equipped with this opener, like a syringe: it can make seeds just under the soil, making a kind of “injection” at a given depth. This is due to the fact that swept the opener cuts into the layer of the earth, and through its tubular rack serves seeds, immediately cover the crumbling soil. However, the existing structure has one weak spot: the uneven distribution of seeds. Rows get thickened, and the aisle width of 20 cm is empty.

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HIDDEN COLUMNIn older homes often the meter mounted in a small wall niche not only Can decorate it, but generally prudently to use this space, embedding here a simple rack-column Design it is not difficult, because in contrast to the modern furniture it has no load-bearing side panels — their function will take on the niche wall to which left and right will be mounted stand — a support for shelves and doors.

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NEW OLD UMBRELLAFolding umbrella is much more comfortable, against this one can hardly argue. Meanwhile, to alter a simple umbrella in the transforming is not so difficult. First of all, the umbrella must be almost completely dismantled, that is, remove the cloth, remove the wire ring — joints of the spokes and struts. A pair of “needle — brace” parse should not be, it can be modified and assembled.

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SUITE FOR HALLWAYAfter a protracted and rather overhaul purchased the manor house, it was found that to check have not only a “bare walls”, but with almost empty pockets. I think that in such a situation may be some readers of the respected journal, so I want to share with them my experience (From my life experience I know in Russia do not earn so much, how many you can save) So I had to switch to the manufacture of furniture And started with a headset for the hallway, or rather, with the individual items that formed subsequently to complete the set.

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AIR FERRYOnce in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” I read the article “the Farmer’s sloping field.” The air route is very much needed in the highlands. But in nature, there are many horizontal areas, overgrown shrubbery, marshy ravines, through which transportation of cargo is also very difficult. In addition, many farms have often to move cargo over short distances — for example, on farms. For this I suggest using a rope conveyor. It is much easier air road, offers the opportunity to assemble the system on their own, for example, in the workshops of the kolkhoz or sovkhoz.

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SUPPORT FIXESWhen carrying out installation work related to installation of structures on mortgages supporting parts of foundations, as a result of violation of technological process or as a result of its imperfections may be difficulties caused by irregularities in the supporting surfaces (local distortions, holes, etc exceeding permissible limits). Such situations often arise in the installation of industrial equipment, but such cases are not uncommon in everyday life. For example, the use of embedded items in the Foundation in the construction of different buildings on a country or a plot.

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WHEEL MASSAGERIn between use this massager easily turn into a child’s toy — so he is similar to a traditional wheeled design for kids. However, this is a serious tool adults, whose main task is to serve the health. Because with the help of this device very efficiently carried out, the respective kneading areas of the body, which the doctor prescribed dynamic massage.

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A COLLAPSIBLE, BUT STURDYA COLLAPSIBLE, BUT STURDYThe bed design is offered to the readers of the magazine, outwardly differs nothing from the purchase, but has dignity, and to connect that our furniture industry is still unable lightweight, strong and collapsible. The bed is easy to manufacture, does not require high carpentry skills, there is no metal products, except screws. It consists of the following main parts of the frame-frame, podmatrasnye panel (deck), front and rear backrest and four legs.

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NEW NOTEThe first thought that comes to mind is settlers after obtaining a warrant for the apartment, how to drill holes in concrete walls, what to drive screws and crutches: wooden cork or vinyl chloride tube how to attach the hooks to cement the veneer sheets? Meanwhile, there are many designs of a variety of tubes, and you will always be able to make any of them, taking into account the thickness and strength of the walls, their technical capabilities and the projected number of hooks and screws that you will need to drive into the wall.

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