CLIP BOARDSHow quickly and firmly connected to the flat parts? For example, lined with metal or other hard surface insulating mats, where access from one side? A simple and effective solution was offered by the participants NTTM-78 V. ul and A. Khromov. They have designed a kind of paper clip that allows you to quickly and thoroughly implement such connections.

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E-BAIT...Talk about a rather unusual method of catching fish using an electronic simulator of the lure. As the simulator is used “samplevalue” fish toy. Before the use of “in case” it needed paint and a little work. This will be discussed further. “Camoflauge” fish originally intended not so much for fishing as for “simulation” purposes – in aquariums. However, reviewing and examining carefully a fish, I was convinced that it could benefit not only a toy but also as an effective fishing lure.

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AND A SOFA AND THE BEDAs a regular reader of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, I would like to thank the editors for publishing materials of interest. Particularly attracted to me and my family section “Club home of the masters”. Put here the development and the advice of the craftsmen led to the creation of his own furniture, convenient for a small living space. I want to share the design rasklade on sofa that is for us to rest and sleep. In the folded position, its width less than one meter, and in the spread increases to almost 1.2 meters. Basic materials — sheets, chipboard, hardboard, boards, sticks, foam with upholstery fabric.

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A CLOWN MADE OF WOOD, BUT AS A LIVINGWho in the circus like children? Of course, fun and funny clown. And a shaggy red wig, and bright baggy clothes with huge shoes, and tricks — all causes kids (and adults) happy laughter. Such a funny figure of the Croatian magazine “ABC technology” and offers parents do for their children, perhaps with their involvement because if you do not cut, then paint the bright colors of the clothing of a clown any boy.

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A souvenir depicting fairy-tale “the Firebird” with the use of LEDs, can make even novice hams. The details of the electric circuit, except the LEDs are placed inside a plastic soap dish suitable sizes, are the basis. Two red (or orange) led, is inserted in place of eyes, connect to the unsymmetrical multivibrator, and seven flashing LEDs in the tail feathers twinkle themselves. Details of the scheme: VT1, VT2, R1, R2, C1 is located on the PCB about the size of 40×20 mm, which is fastened inside the base by two screws M4. The power switch (microtubles) is displayed on the top cover.

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WELDING TRANSFORMERRare design can be build without the use of welding, particularly electric arc. This is why a good welder is a dream for many designers and enthusiasts. The “heart” of it — the welding transformer, which will be discussed. Winding step-down transformer (Fig. 1), connected to the original circuit (Fig. 2) provide arc stability. For welding use electrode Ø 3 mm, designed for AC current. (In the forced mode of the transformer it is possible to use electrodes with Ø 4 mm.)

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BOLT EXPRESSTo facilitate and accelerate mounting of mounted units and structures it is proposed to use a modified fastener — some modified gostowski the bolt and nut. The modification applies to their threaded parts on which are four symmetrical groove equal to the width of the remaining protruding threaded segments. Such design dramatically reduces the traditional time in the operation of screwing and defines a new technological approach to the works of this kind that is important in case of unfavorable working conditions or low temperatures.

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CLAMP FROM THE AIR...One arm movement — and in an unusual vise clamped firmly from two shafts, the diameter of which can reach up to 120 mm. the Design of this hot clip is rather simple, based on it — four prisms, pnevmotsitami and clamp. Works device is isolated. Compressed air through the check valve, which prevents the clamp from camerascreen when the pressure of air on the network. Moreover, the operating pressure is maintained in the cavity of the cylinder for a time sufficient for its completion.

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Openwork frames and shelves, cut with a jigsaw out of plywood, out of fashion, but the jigsaw and stand to it — plate “dovetail” and clamp — have been and remain among the available tools modelers, modelers, and other craftsmen. However, look at the stand, had been in prolonged operation, and see her multiple gashes, cracks, burrs. This is nothing strange: borders “dovetail” under the sheet of plywood is not visible, and wonder “italicise” in the stand. And not feel so sorry for her, like a thin blade, which often breaks down.

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