TO REMOVE THE RING — WEAR RINGIt’s hard to say which is harder: to put on or take off hard a spring ring serving as a seal between the walls of piston and cylinder internal combustion engines, compressors, pumps, certain pumps. The more valuable a simple tool created by young innovators at the Pavlodar tractor plant. It makes it easier to perform both operations.

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THE TREASURE OF THE FORESTExhibitions amazingly beautiful decorative pieces of KAPA compete even with the amber jewelry—seafood and resinous prehistoric forests. Cap (in other words—influx) is a growth on the trunks of trees that represent an anomalous development of the wood. Once in the hands of a master, he is transformed into a work of art decorative art: original planters and flower vases, unusual dishes and bowls, pencil holders, ashtrays. All of these items look as if created by nature itself, and people only found these treasures in the woods, spying them in intricate swellings on the trunks (by the way, is detrimental to the tree).

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JACK... FOR THE NUTSThe so-called unusual mechanism established at the Irkutsk industrial College for tightening heavily loaded threaded connections of large diameter. Anyone who has had to screw up the nut of the bolt, under the head of which is placed a rubber washer must necessarily have resorted to little tricks: when it’s getting on bad, just click on the head — it will dig into the rubber, the bolt will move forward and rotate the key will be much easier. Paradoxically, this principle was put to the Irkutsk innovators in the basis of the work of this mechanism. When tightened heavily loaded threaded connections of large diameter Jack allows you to stretch the bolt or stud within the elastic deformation that provides the subsequent free rotation of the nut.

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PIPE — IN ARCRemember how in one of the Russian folk tales bear arc bent? Took two legs of the barrel at both ends and through the knee. For while it attempts, as we know, was not successful, note that to perform this operation, in modern technical language, it took him three working “element”: one rounding (knee) and two power (paws). The most modern devices for bending tubes and bars contain the same three elements. Usually they are mounted on a special table. There is a metal loop, which is inserted into one end of the pipe, a stationary roller — on it is bent, and the movable roller with the lever.

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VIBRATION AND QUALITYThe denser the stack will be the builders of the concrete, the stronger will be the monolith. That is why in industrial and housing construction in the manufacture of precast concrete structures there is a need “compacted” cement mixture. At the Yaroslavl plant “Red lighthouse” for such purposes, developed an Electromechanical vibrator. In contrast to existing devices is not superficial, and deep submersible instrument: it can affect the entire thickness of the layer of concrete, compacting it well.

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THE STOVEThe practical necessity of placing a furnace and a fireplace in a small area of the room led to the creation of a single “hybrid” structure of kamiloiki with a common Foundation and chimney. The specific location of its components contributes to the expansion of functionality and increase the heat output of such heating and cooking stoves (stove or fireplace), improving the environment of the room.

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INLAY WITHOUT INLAYMany are familiar with the ancient art of Inlaid wood. Magnificent paintings drawn from tens and hundreds of pieces of wood, and now decorate the interior of apartments. But we are not going to describe the technology of this complex case, and we will tell about a simplified method of inlay (call it “pseudoinsulata”) using a self-adhesive polymer films, imitating precious wood. We offer several ways to create a “wooden” pictures.

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ADJUSTABLE STOOLEqually uncomfortable to sit and when feet do not reach the floor and if the seat is very low. I think everyone has noticed that, sitting behind the piano, the pianist is rotating the seat, adjusting its height to your height. The wooden stool offered by the Polish magazine “Throb himself,” no moving parts, however, its height can be adjusted. The way the stool follows.

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