AROUND THE ELECTRODECan we call today an industry where not carried to its good welding is a fast and reliable method of joining parts from different metals and alloys. Not accidentally, the interests of many young innovators are concentrated “around the electrode.” The army’s innovators N. Khvorostiv M. Bokov, S. Privateer built the unusual torch for arc welding in shielding gases. It is intended for the qualitative connection performance parts, made of steels and aluminum alloys.

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SCREW JACK AND DRILL IS...…drill press, which I use for several years and are quite happy. Make it can anyone who loves tinkering. The design shown in Fig. The drill is fixedly mounted in the upper part of the Jack by two clamps of flat steel. Gasket between her and Jack is a wooden block. The table is made of steel profiles, U-shape, it fit in with the moving end of the Jack bolt M8. To make the machine more stable, its abutment provorachivayut to any lasting basis.

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AWNING FOR BALCONIESAll good loggia! The only drawback — it is vulnerable to a slanting rain or snow. Some glazed it, turning it this way in the apartment, but this measure can not be recommended — the glassing of recessed balconies prohibited, because additional window cover holds fluorescent light and also gives the facade a slovenly appearance.

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EXPRESS CARTRIDGETo various tool holders, cartridges and heads, clamping a working tool in addition to reliability, is increasingly imposed and such requirements as simplicity, convenience and fast-shift. It is these qualities in the first place and is distinguished by a new Chuck for horizontal boring machines created by young innovators Odessa plant of milling machines named after S. M. Kirov.

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IF THE BOLT IS CUTIt happens that some of the most common types of fastening parts — bolt weakened, cannot withstand the load: the bolt is cut, the remaining upper portion in one part and lower in another. And if the top part of it to extract just enough to work the key, to turn the lower is usually the problem. For this you have to drill a hole in it, then tap to cut a left hand thread to screw in there another bolt or pin and then use that to Unscrew the stuck “stub”.

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CUTS A HAMMER...Simple attachment to the percussion pneumatic tools such as pneumatic type, 5K or 5K-MP offered by the innovator of the production Association “Znamya Truda” fitter V. Ivanov, allows you to execute some unexpected surgery — to cut through the metal.

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TUNGSTEN – the little TAILOR

TUNGSTEN-the little TAILORSimple machine for the manufacture of a protective “shirt” to a milking apparatus. prepared for transportation created by the innovators Yanovskogo district Association of Lithuania. Usually they were transported in canvas bags or boxes that do not provide the required sterility and do not always meet the requirements of industrial hygiene and sanitation. In addition, such containers required after each use thorough disinfection with subsequent drying.

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DRYING IN FLIGHTProbably there is no sector of the economy, which would not have developed or used bulk materials. And for most of these powdered products is the most insidious enemy — humidity. To get rid of her, used a variety of dryers, which despite their structural dissimilarity is used most often one and the same principle of dehydration — contact: the powder comes into contact with the hot surface inside the evaporation chamber of the installation. However, such contact is harmful to many materials because of the high temperatures they lose their quality.

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