SQUARE-FACE PLATEDuring fabrication of the models all of us often have to process with high precision perpendicular and aligned the holes for the bearings and bushings in housings, crankcases, engines and other complex pieces. For this run, using the device proposed by the Leningrad automodellista master of sports of international class N. Trinium.

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SCREEN BATHA true master of creativity will suffice even in the bathroom. If your intention is to close the bottom of the bath screen – not in a hurry for him to shop. It’s a simple device if you want you can do it yourself. What matters is that you had minimal DIY skills and the desire to spend a few hours of free time. However, in this case, you do not get to do without going to the store and extra expenses but something can still be saved.

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ELECTROLYTE BATTERYHow to make the electrolyte alkaline batteries? What are components, what should be the charging current, how long to charge? Electrolyte — aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide with a density of 1,19 — 1,21 g/cm3 with the addition of 20±1 g/l of lithium hydroxide monohydrate (Li0Н.H20). (This corresponds to GOST 9285-59. At -20±1°C or -40±1°C batteries should work for an aqueous solution of potassium hydroxide with a density of 1.26 — 1.28 g/cm3 without addition of lithium hydroxide.)

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DRILLING FOR THE RADIO AMATEURWhen faced with the need to drill numerous fine holes in printed circuit boards for electronic devices, it was found that a power drill in this case is not such a good assistant she is loud, and the power of it excessive. Then decided to make a small tabletop drill press is more suitable for such work. The present machine has a small size, low power consumption and, importantly, virtually silent — you can work even when all the household slept. And drilling the holes with diameter from 1 to 6 mm permissible even in aluminum workpieces.

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DESKTOP TREBUCHETMany of us have been fascinated by the exploits of Ivanhoe, Lancelot, read about the struggle and death of evpatii Kolovrat, admired the stories of John. P. P. Tolkien. These interests were awakened the interest in the distant past, gathered like-minded people and dreamers in the clubs history and reconstruction.

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CUTTER Remember PushPull fabulous animal which could jump not only forward but also backward, because instead of a tail he had a second head? About it can not help reminiscent of the original bilateral cutter, manufactured by the innovators of the Gorky machine-tool production Association. Tool on a conventional tool holder has two cutting inserts mounted on carbide lining and is mounted to the top clamps. Under the clamps located struzhkolomy.

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The picture is not changing over the centuries: two sitting opposite each other, in the hands of one — tangle with pregen, at arm’s length other — carefully straightened coil. Is it possible to exclude one of them, well, at least one who holds a skein of yarn? It is possible, and tools exist for Read more…