you will be able to hang if you do the five coat hangers, are shown in the figure. Material — plywood desyatikilometrovy, additional bracket fabricate from the half-spools.
The compressor is one of the machines, which are frequently encountered in various production areas. Among the vulnerable sites that require durability and long remained a piston ring. It wear led to the deterioration of integrity, performance and efficiency of the unit.
Remember PushPull fabulous animal which could jump not only forward but also backward, because instead of a tail he had a second head? About it can not help reminiscent of the original bilateral cutter, manufactured by the innovators of the Gorky machine-tool production Association. Tool on a conventional tool holder has two cutting inserts mounted on carbide lining and is mounted to the top clamps. Under the clamps located struzhkolomy.
The picture is not changing over the centuries: two sitting opposite each other, in the hands of one — tangle with pregen, at arm’s length other — carefully straightened coil. Is it possible to exclude one of them, well, at least one who holds a skein of yarn? It is possible, and tools exist for Read more…