FILTERS... VIHRAt furniture factory No. 4 in Tiraspol participants NTTM has developed a vortex oil separator — special filter for cleaning compressed air used for the atomization of paints and varnishes when applied to a finished surface. Such a filter is necessary to obtain high quality coatings; trapped together with pressured air drop of moisture will lead to a local defect or colorful lacquer standing on the furniture during its final finish.

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CUSHION ON BENCHIt would seem that the simple detail of any factory-production — a sign with the brand of the company, the name and number of the product. However the production of them make their accident not fit for this, created by innovators, has consistently shown in almost every exhibition of the work of innovators and inventors.

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CABLE WITH A KNIFE?Compact and handy knife for “cutting” the cable created by the participants NTTM from Leningrad. Tool — it was called Baltika is designed for longitudinal and cross cutting of hose skins. It consists of a housing-handle, a bracket of rectangular form, the spring loaded cutter and the buttons rotate.

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MAKE – USEFULAleko not all go to the country on their own cars, the Majority of vacationers travel by bus, tram or train, and for transportation use a trolley bag And shopping and markets, this device makes life easier and very often simply indispensable, especially for the elderly or disabled But the truck can give one more good feature its easy to convert in a comfortable stable chair and then not have to stand even in a crowded transport the entire long journey.


FIRST AID BOOKMy home library is quarter of the self-made volumes that the quality of the binding and design are not inferior printing samples. In the literature in some detail with illustrations of the technique of restoration of books, but none of the authors does not lead the machine design.

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PIPE SHUTWhen connecting parts of the piping or hydraulic system, connect the tool to the pneumatic system or an irrigation hose at the joints not to do without special connector — threaded couplings, a special cartridge or fitting. If this site cornersburg, the traditional ways of connection often does not justify itself: they, as a rule, laborious and slow.

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The kids, happily folding cubes and collecting of the pyramid, and did not suspect that this so-called educational games designed to develop quickness and coordination. But they have grown and forgotten dice: they are replaced by other, more complex entertainment. One of the games for Teens offers the French magazine “System D”. It is also designed for quickness, coordination and even agility.

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Hello!.. DO YOU HAVE A DRILL?True stories about Vitka-inventor. That day we swam in a rubber boat Vaikinai far. Left behind and the dam, and willow spreading, with lower branches which is so convenient to dive, and a small pier with a dozen pleasure boats… And if the road is “there” were relatively simple, return was difficult — in the evening blew strong headwind, rubber boat was parusel, and ping-pong rackets, which we used instead of oars, almost did not helped to move.

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