WALL HALLWAYIn modern model homes is a hallway, usually small, so the furniture placed in it must be multifunctional. Most fully satisfies this requirement wall. It can include the wardrobe, a hanger, a place for shoes, a mini-pantry to store items, household and sports equipment. Unfortunately, commercially available wall do not fit in size in small hallways, in addition, they are very expensive. Publications of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, help the craftsmen to make various furniture items that meet the characteristics of the layout of the room appropriate to their imagination, taste, experiences and opportunities.


MASONRY — DURABLE AND BEAUTIFULHouses built of bricks or blocks have mortar seams. Depending on the quality of the prepared solution, the time of its use and, of course, the right technology work the stitches can be long or will soon start to sleep, to breathe. The most reliable method to strengthen them is the plastering of wall surfaces. The seams for the pre-clearing to a depth of 20 to 40 mm, cleared well moistened with water. Then prepare cement-lime mortar (or one of cement to high grade) and with great force to throw back the solution a plaster shovel (or, as it is called, — with a trowel) to completely fill the seam. After that, the entire wall surface is again moistened with water and plaster.

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SIBERIAN SWATTEREach warm season from spring to autumn throughout recorded history of human existence it bugged various harmful insects, and the stronger the closer to nature it is. And the most common of them, of course, the mosquitoes, Yes flies. Fight with them man was always and everywhere, but a complete victory is still to win could not. But it is known that even a mosquito can not give to sleep all night and flies to interfere with the work that can bring peace of mind. Therefore, a “weapon” against them (for example, an ordinary fly swatter) should always be ready and at hand.

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EXPRESS PACKAGEOn a frugal family night, guests brought a nice box of chocolates confectionery factory “Magician”. The mistress liked being in her truffles, and I was interested in the package: too unusual it seemed. To open it, without breaking the appearance, was not just because there was no usual bends, valves or traces of glue. Careful inspection helped to understand just what the box somehow folded from a single sheet.


ENLARGER FROM A CAN...The device, which we advise you to do, simple and affordable to manufacture a wide range of novice photographers, especially those who love tinkering. The appearance of a photographic enlarger is in the picture and the figure. Its main elements are: base, rod with reference fifth, sliding bracket, a lens with a focusing device and a housing of illuminator.

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SIMPLE BANDSStrong, well-developed hands — the dream of all guys. The range of remedies that strengthen the hands, is huge. To hand firmly held a hockey stick, a tennis ranetka, easily controlled with paddle boats, use of tents; especially popular are the small, often improvised from a piece of dense rubber. However, this simple homemade sports has a significant drawback: the mini-shell can be either too soft or too hard. Worn in the pockets, a set of rubber washers of different hardness — a luxury.

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