IF THE SCATTERED BEARINGI want to share with readers the experience of recovery separator sealed bearings in the field of wire inserts for the distribution of balls in the clip with the desired step. This will help prolong the lifespan of many machines and mechanisms without removing and replacing the bearings. I ran into this when, after several years of operation of the drill in it was destroyed separators sealed bearings of the rotor of the motor.

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THE WAY UPTHE WAY UPIn recent years, individual housing is a kind of “silent revolution”. Increasingly, private homes, whether villas, farmhouses or country cottages — built two-and even three-storey. The desire is quite justified: the reduced building area, housing is made more compact, to the same tiered structure looks many cuter than located in a single plane.

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THE CASE OF THE FISHERMANEquipped lover of winter fishing among other people, it is easy to distinguish by special box-seat, which many call a modern wardrobe trunk. Because angler-“podsednik” without a box, like a tourist without a backpack, like a mushroom without the boxfish as a hunter without yet feels. But because each of them seeks to acquire such equipment.


STENCILDraw the circuit diagram, weathering adopted the proportionality of graphic symbols electronic elements, it is not as simple as it might seem at first. Great help here can have a stencil plate of thin transparent material with holes and slots corresponding in form to symbols of parts adopted in the Unified system for design documentation (ESKD). This stencil need not only for Amateurs but also professionals working in this field of technology.

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SECRETS OF THE OLD PAINTERUsually on the surface of stored paint forms a film or crust, when removed often remain in the container its particles: once on the brush, they can spoil the work. Take the time to look for an opportunity to drain the contents of the can. Please cover it with a piece of rare fabric, for example, old nylon stocking, and a little indentation its the same brush: the paint will show through an improvised sieve and be pure as strained.

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CABINET WALLThis simple rack-a rack mounted one side to the wall, divide the room into two parts. It will be more comfortable to arrange furniture in an awkward elongated rooms. In the upper and lower parts of the Cabinet are equipped with two lockable sliding doors offices and in its Central part have two open shelves for flowers or decorations.

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COMFORT... UNDER THE STAIRSThis area may be under the stairs not only in the country with an attic, but in the modern duplex apartments as living room and kitchen downstairs, and bedrooms upstairs. And usually this “Appendix” is seldom used as such, even a small space can be equipped diligently and thriftily, and, as evidenced by the Polish magazine “Throb himself”, is available for solo performances of pieces of furniture. The more that trade provides such a convenient and non-deficient materials, such as particleboard, furniture Board, wooden bars, wooden boards, slats, which can be treated with the usual household tools such as a hacksaw, drill, jigsaw, chisels, and screwdrivers and, of course, a hammer.


Among the usual glass jars with canned products now on the beds shops in abundance are the so-called “eurobank”, characterized not so much by its form, as the fact that they cover not rolled, and screwed. And if by the usual banks have long been developed and widely used in everyday life for opening a variety of can openers, screw-down for almost anything not provided.

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NEW NEW Apartment repair is troublesome and expensive. To such conclusion came anyone who has ever experienced this “natural disaster”. The following tips are addressed to the homeowners continue to trust only their own forces and the skills of producing renovations. To save on purchasing the cheapest materials for repair is not worth it. With the abundance which prevails on the shelves of household and home improvement stores to find a compromise solution that suits your artistic taste and financial possibilities, quite real.

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WHITE Born of fire. As it is impossible to imagine a good porridge without butter, and high-quality mortar without lime. It’s a common binder finds wide application in construction. Lime is produced by calcination of sedimentary rocks, the main component of which is calcium carbonate and perhaps magnesium oxide, When the content of magnesium oxide more than 7% of lime is called magnesia, with a smaller it presence of calcium. In the construction using both lime. These rocks are tight, clean and dolomitized limestone, chalk, shell limestone and other Rocks should not contain more than 8% clay impurities (the fewer the better and cleaner lime). Roasting is performed at a temperature of 900° — 1200°C up to possible the complete removal of carbon dioxide, that is, the decomposition of calcium carbonate with the release of carbon dioxide and formation of calcium oxide or so-called lime-quicklime.

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