Technical progress in the design and construction of Amateur small engines in recent years has become particularly noticeable. The pioneer Amateur motor construction in our country was L. Komarov (syut city of Zlatoust), which in 1962 was designed, manufactured and successfully tested them built the microplane “the Kid” two-cylinder engine capacity of around 35 HP, 80% of which consisted of parts from a motorcycle “IZH-56”.

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Covering the balcony

Covering the balconyThe internal covering of balcony gives the opportunity to complete the look of the room, to create comfort and functionality. If the balcony is right, you get a full living space. What better way to sheathe the balcony from the inside? There are many options, and for the most finishes can be used different methods. The material should be selected depending on the specific design, the target destination of the room and its style.

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BED FOR GRANDCHILDRENBED FOR GRANDCHILDRENThe time comes, children leave the parental home and, as often happens, the “old” people begin to associate their hopes with their grandchildren, often wanting to hear their voices. Was no exception and the author decided to realize their old dream – to put in the children’s room with bunk beds. It is not only beds, but also a small gym with a ladder.

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REPRODUCTIVE UNITAnd this is the easiest bracket to mount the camera. A sheet of plywood with a thickness of 12-16 mm and a size of 576X576 mm shall be marked in accordance with the drawing. After sawing through the appropriate lines of get a full set of details for Assembly installation. Careful completion of this operation will eliminate the additional adjustment of parts during Assembly.

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ITALIAN FURNITUREWho does not dream of an exclusive set of Italian furniture, made to order and to your individual drawings? From this can refuse unless a madman. Of course, to afford such luxury can not many. This is easily explained. Italian craftsmen that produce the furniture to order, use only expensive natural materials: inlaid with gold leaf, solid wood, valuable and rare breeds of natural animal hides, the best leather for upholstery.

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