In the encyclopedic reference book “Tanks” Hagle, published in 1935, stated that “with the installation of the dual control of the military value of the vehicles… can be enhanced as they are able to reverse it, and no u-turns”. In the early years of construction of armored vehicles were produced armored cars with two drivers occupying the front and rear control stations. An example is the armored AMD White (“white”), adopted at the armament of the French army in August, 1917, or Landsverk-185 (“the land sverk-185”), produced in Sweden in 1933 and Later, in 1951, again, the French have created even armor tank destroyer Panhard EBR75 (Panar) with 75-mm cannon, which also had dual controls.
In the summer of 1963, the Ministers of defense of the United States and Germany – Robert McNamara and William Hassel had signed a bilateral agreement on joint development of a new main battle tank (MBT) for the armed forces of both countries. The program was called the MBT (Main Battle Tank). It was assumed that in this way it is possible to create a single tank of NATO. First and foremost, this project was caused by the appearance in the Soviet Union T-64 tanks, superior in many characteristics of the machines available then, armed with the NATO countries.
The German engineers before the Second world war began the development of guided air missiles “air — air”. Brought to flying condition samples and technical documentation “wonder weapons” were killed under the ruins of factories, prepared for their serial production, after the RAID of allied bombers in early 1945.
Battles in Normandy in summer 1944 was discouraged by the command of tank units of the allies, including the us. The fact that it is hoped for their means of combating tanks of the Wehrmacht: anti-tank guns, self-propelled artillery installations, including on the American M10. M10 Gun Motor Carriage is self-propelled artillery, which had the informal name of Wolverine (“Wolverine” – “Wolverine”), was the most numerous tank destroyer in U.S. army during world war II. She belonged to the class of fighters and tanks had to destroy on the battlefield armored vehicles, while their own tanks was to support infantry in battle – such was the doctrine of military command of the U.S. army.
One of the most interesting pages in the history of world tank development was, without doubt, the period of creation towered tanks. He covered almost all of the 1920-ies that is not accidental, because the whole concept of mnogobashenniye schema is a logical continuation of the scheme British tanks during the First world war. English diamond machines were created to break through the defensive positions of enemy infantry, therefore, the location of the main weapons in side sponsons seemed quite obvious. When crossing the defensive lines so it was easier to kill the enemy infantry, entrenched in the trenches. Shots were fired from both sides along the trenches. In the process of transition to tower layout, which was apparent at the final stage of the First world war, the scheme with the placement of the weapons in the sponsons transformed into mnogobashenniye.
The story began during the Second world war. The command of the Wehrmacht, faced at the first stage of hostilities with a large number of Soviet light armored vehicles – tanks BT, T-60, T-70 and armored vehicles, and with our attacking aircraft, especially with the armored attack aircraft Il-2, decided to supply the troops of the 30-mm gun of high destructive power and long range of fire. According to the plan, such weapons must be effective to act on the objects directly on the battlefield, but also at air targets.