By the middle of 1950-ies the main front-line reconnaissance aircraft was considered to be Il-28R. But the car, excellent in all respects, by the time against the backdrop of recent supersonic fighters became morally obsolete. Created at the same time, the Yak-25P, although outnumbered, “Il”, but the requirements of the military on the prospective scout is also not satisfied. In this situation, OKB A. S. Yakovlev proposed to develop a supersonic fighter-scout with engines AM-9F (RD-9F). The government and the military supported the proposal and in March 1956 was signed the corresponding decree.
At the initial stage of the Second world war, tasks of intelligence in the interest of armored and motorized units of the Wehrmacht did pretty well armored. Their use in this role was promoted as an extensive road network of Western Europe, and the absence of the enemy’s massive anti-tank defense (PTI).
In the 1970 – 1980s, Soviet designers created the powerful jet system of volley fire MLRS, the superiority of which was recognized by military professionals worldwide. Under their influence, many States were later developed by modern samples of this powerful weapon.
On the fronts of world war II in the fighting military units along with various armored vehicles involved and light tanks. It is known to our T-26, T-60, T-70, the American M3 and M5, the German PzKpfw I and PzKpfw II. However, the commanders of the opposing sides after some time came to a disappointing conclusion, considering them unfit for action due to relatively weak weapons, and insufficient armor protection. Therefore, in 1943 the production of light tanks was stopped in all countries except the USA, where the M5 was produced in 1944.
Premiere of the sedan and coupe DODGE STRATUS new generation took place at the Chicago motor show in February 2000. Until recently, the name of DODGE STRATUS to a four-door sedan manufactured also called the CHRYSLER CIRRUS. Same two-door coupe was named DODGE AVENGER. In the 2001 model year and the sedan and coupe came under the name DODGE STRATUS.
Double sports cars in Western Europe are sold annually about 100 thousand. A significant share of this market sector since 1996, holds MERCEDES-BENZ model SLK (abbreviation from the German words “sport”, “lightweight”, “compact”), the Main difference from competitors — a unique mechanism of folding metal roof. The actuator raises or lowers it for only 25 seconds. A significant drawback of the car is a small useful volume of the trunk when there’s a hidden roof.

Every year in the U.S., sold to 450 thousand SUVs this model, which gives reason to talk about him as “popular” American jeep. The growing popularity of this car in Russia. The first FORD EXPLORER came into the family Ford models in 1990, but in 1995 it underwent a major modernization, which was largely in the improvement of the exterior, replacement of rigid front axle with leaf springs on the independent suspension and the failure of conventional u-joints in favor of the CV joints in front wheel drive.
In 1943 the situation of the Reich was not yet threatening: the front was far from his borders, and the Wehrmacht, with varying success, was fighting on foreign soil. However those soldiers who were not completely affected by Nazi propaganda, knew that in order to save Germany from defeat, you must not only defeat the Soviet Union, but also to keep the allies from being thrown across the channel and thus prevent the danger of opening a second front. These officers understood that when the level of development of science and technology only the projectile, a person giving a guarantee of reliable defeats the purpose. There is therefore nothing surprising in the fact that the group of senior officers of the Luftwaffe, the idea was to create a unit manned flying bombs, capable of finding and hitting any important target, especially the heavy ships of the allies preparing for the invasion.
Hypersonic rocket plane North American X-15. The construction of the spacecraft reusable type Shuttle “Buran” opened a new Chapter in manned space exploration. The design of this type of device has requested giant engineering research related to the problems that arise when flying at high altitudes and speeds.