“Grey” years of production in Britain of large patrol boats and fight against their faults in the beginning of 30-ies of the last century began to rastsvechivaya more vivid, but sometimes quite unexpected colors. There is a new subclass of submarines, which were received by different requirements, most important of which, in accordance with the trends of the time, primarily Economics was the principle of “cheaper, better and Shine.”
Changed by the early 1980s, the concept of action of artillery on the battlefield demanded not only “increase its power, range, maneuverability.” The foundations were laid for integrated automation of process of firing via a combination of reconnaissance and communication systems and data processing; design and creation of “smart” artillery of the samples.
On the night of November 1, 1924, the workers took the first car entirely manufactured in the factory AMO. One of the mechanics, bent his head low in front of the radiator with the Soviet, and not a foreign brand, spun winding the handle-and AMO-F15 No. 1 came to life. A few laps in the factory yard did then this… not even a car, and naked – without a body and cabin – chassis with inverted box on the frame instead of the seat.
the SPECIAL ASSAULT AIRCRAFT of JAPAN. By early 1945, the Japanese military-political leadership was aware that sooner or later we should expect the allied invasion to the territory of Japan proper. This understanding has penetrated all layers of Japanese society. The bombing of cities and industrial enterprises were conducted daily, and the armed forces of the Empire fought desperately, pressed on all fronts.
In 1995, at the presentation of the family Mercedes-Benz SPRINTER representatives of the company announced that it starts an active attack on the European market with their trucks. According to the plans, within three years have been fully updated types of vehicles designed to operate on European roads. So, after “polutoratonny” SPRINTER van appeared “odnotonnymi” VITO.