Under the new rules of the road in the sake of safety, drivers of vehicles (especially when driving outside the city) should include the day of the lights But turn them off after a stop often forget If Parking is prolonged, the battery is badly discharged In chains prevent such troubles offer a simple device, which signals that the headlights were left on while the engine is stopped, and also indicates the inclusion of the turn signal Device contains a sound generator transistors (VT1, VT2) and a threshold of the relay (K1, VD1).
The Internet caught the eye diagram of the automatic charger Ni-Cd batteries developed by Yuri Bashkatov. Assembled the circuit on the breadboard — not working. Modeled it on the computer using the program Work Bench. The result is what is shown in the diagram. The device operates as follows. The transistor VT1 (p-n-p) is open if at its base there is a negative potential, which may appear when the VT2 transistor (NPN) open — this, in turn, occurs if the potential at its base is installed with the variable resistor R4 will be 0.3 — 0.4 V higher than on its emitter.
How nice to fall asleep to the rhythmic roar of the rain, as the happy jingle of the spring thaw! But should we depend on the vagaries of nature, when all you can hear at any time at home. It is enough to make a simple electronic device, based on a well-known multivibrator. Changing the Read more…