Floating tank T-40 serially produced in the USSR since 1940 and was intended to replace the T-37A and T-38. As its predecessors, its design was widely used by the automobile units and mechanisms. The engine and transmission were located at the right side, so the tower with the DShK and DT was shifted to the left side. The tank hull was made of rolled armor plates connected by rivets and welding. The undercarriage of the vehicle consisted of four rubber-tions of rollers on Board with individual torsion bar suspension. For the movement in the water in the lower part of the stern of the hull was installed in a niche of the couple-trehlopastnye screw and two vodorodnoe the helm. By June 1941 the Red Army had 220 tanks T-40. However, the first fights showed the lack of weapons this tank, as it mostly used as reconnaissance and for direct support of infantry. As floating it has almost never been used.

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GAZEBO GARDENIn a quiet corner of the garden of his manor house planted Douglas fir. Three years have passed. The tree grew, grew. And then came the idea to build a small gazebo that over time, the fir in a hot summer day will cover the shadow of its branches. At leisure even made a sketch of the structure. But, as is often the case, the embodiment of the idea was hampered by lack of materials, but rather the allocation of the family budget for their purchase, as the case was not so urgent. But the idea to give is not wanted. Began to ponder how to carry out the construction, so it was not expensive, but beautiful: the house — building rather for the soul, and finding it should be fun.

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STOOL-TRANSFORMERThis versatile stool which if necessary can turn into a small stable ladder, absolutely necessary in those apartments where there are high cabinets and mezzanines.
To produce such a stool-transformer will need a Board thickness of 30 mm and 20 mm. of the boards-“trecator” it is possible to make the legs and the seat base of the stool, and 20-mm boards — parts seat stool and folding step, and ponozky.

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INSTEAD OF JUICE — ONIONSA good housewife does not throw out the sprouted onions, and carefully seated them in appropriate jars with water. In the end, after a week or two on the table at the family appear juicy vitamin “arrows”.
When you create a home garden, however, there are some difficulties — for him, in particular, will not be enough jars of appropriate size.

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CHAIR WITH A SECRETDurable, reliable, sustainable, it gives the impression of a powerfully built all-in-one monolith. But it is worth a little bit more pressure towards each other the upper cross member of the seat side — as the chair will pliable to take shape, turning into a flat package. And if reverse pressure is routed again to a certain point, forming a rigid structure, like all its parts are firmly knitted together by nails.

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THE TU-154

TU-154Scale model 1:100.

Tu-154 (NATO reporting: Careless — “Carefree,” in the slang of Russian pilots – “Tupolev” or “Aurora” (from Avrora Cruiser), for three pipes – nozzles) — trimotored passenger aircraft for medium-haul airlines, developed in the 1960s in the USSR in the Tupolev design Bureau to replace the Tu-104.

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Compost storage of old barrelsEven if the fall was not very generous, still the outgoing summer leaves in the garden and in the garden after harvest a lot of vegetable waste. Some site owners try to get rid of them, just taking to the dump. A zealous owners know that the tops, the drops, trimming branches and foliage — all this could be for the following season, additional fertilizer and fertilizer for the new crop. So carefully raked-collect garden waste dumped in their allotted under this corner of the site and form a so-called compost heap, in which such accumulation will gradually pereplet and turn into nutritious organic fertilizer.

However, if the pile is to simply leave the heap — in the process of experiencing, they become loose and under the action of rain and wind to lose their shape, that is, creep away, taken away on the site. Why waste trying to lay in specially dug a compost pit or strive for them to build any fencing.

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KATYUSHA BM-13Scale model 1:25.


“Katyusha” — the informal collective name mobile rocket launchers BM-8 (82 mm) and BM-13 (132 mm). Such plants are actively used in the USSR during the Second World war.

Back in 1916. combat missile for smokeless powder (the prototype of the later missile) was invented by Ivan Platonovich grave. In 1924. he got on a missile and a charge of patent No. 122. Further work on the creation of rockets on smokeless powder continued until the great Patriotic war.

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SLOTTED TRACK...Covering garden paths and access roads to cottage country or area it is advisable to do so in order to preserve the turf and to minimize the cares of paths.

For this purpose is the best fit (recommends that the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”) slotted track of concrete slabs (Fig.1). They can make their own using a simple form of self-Assembly. Thus can be achieved that the plates will be similar to factory direct: easy to use, sturdy, but cheaper. Cracks the finished coating must be filled with earth and sown with grass seed. Thus, green square footage is not materially reduced, and on the tracks will not gather rainwater or melt water.

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YAK-7Scale model 1:33.

YAK-7 and its modifications, the YAK-7, YAK-7A, YAK-7B.

In March 1940 the Yakovlev design Bureau received an official assignment for the development of training aircraft on the basis of a fighter-26 (later Yak-1). But the design AND-27 (UTI-26) began even before that – on the 25th of January. From fighter aircraft training aircraft featured twin cockpit, closed with a total lamp with individual sliding parts.

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