Insurance for drill

Drill chuck, in particular manual, is not always able to keep the drill from turning when machining hard metals or release of the cutting edges of metal. It solves the problem of the groove formed triangular a file to the thrust bearing cartridge, and the corresponding drill stem processing in a winepress.   D. Ovchinnikov


LEVEL-UNIVERSALThe liquid level is used in the construction business, as a rule, for check of horizontal position of parts or surfaces. However, it is easy to extend the spirit level, entrusting him and check the verticality. It’s enough to carry its body in the form of a right triangle. Then the Central position of the vial and the capsule, depending on the choice of support surface to confirm either its horizontal or vertical position.

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To withstand the strictly perpendicular direction when drilling holes in the wall or to any vertical surface— just attach to a drill with tape or duct tape carpenter’s level. His shifty air bubble in a glass tube, show that you have not rejected the tool from the horizontal.