These beautiful and flying planes are very simple. Even preschoolers can make them with the help of adults. To work, you will need thick paper (whatman paper), several dry and straight straws Ø2-2.5 mm (cereals, bluegrass) and silicate office glue. Tools include a safety razor blade, a jigsaw, a ruler and a pencil. Start making Read more…



Our magazine was one of the main popularizers of the recently emerged family of all-terrain vehicles – vehicles powered by low-pressure pneumatics. All-season, excellent cross-country ability, the ability not to disturb vegetation when driving through the forest or tundra – the advantages of vehicles of this type immediately attracted the attention of lovers of amateur Read more…

Incubator for your farm

Incubator for your farm

With the development of cooperatives in our country, the number of people wishing to apply their knowledge and skills in the agricultural sector, for example, in creating an apiary, raising rabbits or breeding poultry, is constantly growing. But enthusiasm alone is clearly not enough here – you also need to have the appropriate equipment, say, Read more…

Skiing on water

Skiing on water

The idea of ​​water ski floats is not new, and yet such a projectile cannot be called ordinary. On the contrary, the sight of a person literally running on the waves invariably causes surprise among those around him. Apparently, the spread of watercraft of this type is hampered by the opinion that skis are not Read more…

The gate goes up

The gate goes up

Typically, garage doors have two heavy leaves that open outward. Every car enthusiast knows how much trouble they cause, especially in winter. Snow accumulates on the area in front of the garage, ice freezes on the doors, lock, and handles. You have to tinker a lot to get the car out. By abandoning the traditional Read more…

“Troll” – a business velomobile

"Troll" - a business velomobile

A modern city dweller cannot be intimidated by long trips: all types of public transport are at his service. Another thing is short everyday routes: to a kindergarten, a store, a workshop, a laundry… A rural resident, owner of a summer house or garden plot has to make short trips with cargo even more often. Read more…

Energy is for nothing

Energy is for nothing

Water, wind and sun are the most accessible and inexhaustible sources of energy that nature gives to humans. It is no coincidence that in recent years they have again received the closest attention from both science and industry, as well as enthusiasts of technical creativity and amateur designers. We have already talked about some of Read more…

Tricycle Tulpar Mono Traik

Tricycle Tulpar Mono Traik

I love to design various homemade wheeled vehicles. I have already made, for example, a mini tractor-loader, a stylized replica of the Lotus-7 from a VAZ-2101, and a buggy with a 1.5-liter engine. And last winter the idea came up to build a small single-seat tricycle for the season. And this way – so that Read more…