THE FIGHTER WITHOUT A KEEL...Seaplane Hansa-Brandenburg W-12. The date of establishment of the naval aviation of Germany is considered to be 26 Oct 1910. On that day Admiral Alfred von Tirpitz signed a Directive on early tests of aviation equipment and aircraft, intended for use in the German Navy. And in the winter of 1911 in Putzig was established the first base of naval aviation, whose commander was appointed captain-Lieutenant max Goering.

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In the aquarium automation now the dominance of the expensive import, processors, chips, complex equipment… But is it always justified the cost of purchasing the advertised aggressively in the domestic market by foreign devices? And isn’t it better to return to the simple and reliable Russian designs? Among them can be attributed to the proposed technical solution.

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88-mm anti-aircraft gun Flak 18/36. The history of military technology is replete with examples where a particular weapon has become world famous. So, do not need additional introduction of the Soviet T-34 tank, the German bomber Ju-87, the British armored personnel carrier “Universal” American car “jeep” and many others. This list includes the German 88-mm anti-aircraft gun — without doubt, the most famous artillery piece of world war II.

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BRONZE MEDALIST OF THE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPIt has long been noticed: the pilots, even the most beautiful aircraft, whether it’s a huge “Boeing-747” or fast and agile MiG-29, never refuse to fly on UltraLite if they are given the opportunity. Paradox? Not at all. Most likely, only in the cockpit unprepossessing at first glance, the ultralight aircraft they are fully able to experience the feelings that accompany a free flight.

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ON THE EVE OF PEARL HARBORBy the end of the First world war the Navy of the United States of America was large, but very strange composition: a significant linear force, the almost complete lack of any modern cruisers and a huge number of standard “flush-deck” destroyers, hundreds of which are still in completion. All attempts of heads of the Navy to proceed to create a new, more modern torpedo ships long enough to encounter the displeasure of congressmen, preached isolationism and “reasonable sufficiency”. Only fifteen years later, when the gap in class destroyers aggressively competing for first place in the world fleet has become abundantly clear to the American admirals were able to overcome political and financial obstacles.

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CURTISS P-40 WARHAWKFirm Curtiss is considered the oldest in the United States — it was founded in 1910, one of the pioneers of aviation Glenn Hammond Curtiss. The main products of the company was military aircraft, including fighters CURTISS P-40 WARHAWK, equipped with American engines Allison V-1710 or English Rolls-Royce-Merlin.

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