ANCHOR — FROM ANTIQUITY TO THE PRESENT DAYOddly enough, but we tend to think of Ancient Rus agrarian power, traded mainly salt, hemp, wax, fur goods, linen. Meanwhile our ancestors were taken abroad and iron, and iron, famous for its quality all over Europe. He was put in stripes and in the form of finished products — axes, chisels, bells, anchors. Yes, the anchors, because it is now proved that the Russian masters forged them long before the baptism of Rus. This is evidenced by the many exhibits of local history museums, tells the epic.

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BEST IN CLASSThe attack on the destroyer “Hadley” in radar patrol from the Japanese island of Okinawa, where she landed U.S. marine corps, began early in the morning. The aircraft flew singly and in groups, dropping bombs and firing from onboard weapons. Some of them managed pilots-suicide bombers tried to RAM a lone ship. The Americans resisted fiercely. Guns and machine guns of the destroyer watered the enemy’s steel; by the end of this fateful day, the sailors claimed to be twenty-downed aircraft! But “Hadley” paid in full: 250-kg bomb struck his nose, a guided rocket bomb “Baka” (essentially a small plane) got in the middle part, and a kamikaze crashed into the stern.

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START FROM THE DUCEWe left the Italian fleet during the “great war”. Unlike France, Italy is not as strongly experienced its hardships; in fact, the only really available to the enemy, Austria-Hungary, “processed” beyond its fleet. The allies have allocated more than sufficient power. So, the Italians stayed mainly to prevent possible attacks of the Austrians against their shores. And to continue the development of all marine weapons, including, of course, and so “fashionable” submarine forces.

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JL-8/K-8 Karakorum (China/Pakistan)

JL-8/K-8 Karakorum (China/Pakistan)Combat training aircraft K-8 Karakorum was created in 1986 jointly by the Chinese company HAIG and Pakistani RACES. The first prototypes were assembled in 1989, the First flight took place on 26 November 1990 Serial production began in China in 1992, were Subsequently developed an improved version of the aircraft under the designation L-11, are equipped with a Chinese licensed Russian engine AI-25ТКЛ.

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WIRELESS MICROPHONES ON VHFWireless microphones VHF with frequency modulation (FM) is very convenient when you need to organize one-way communication over a short distance. For example, between residential and utility rooms, parents and children in the yard, and between the crews of the vehicles, the business partners in the market, aid in the organization of cultural activities etc. is Indispensable these compact electronic device when capturing and listening to sounds in nature, as between the information source and the recipient occurs distance, largely conditioned by the “range” used VHF radio.

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BOAT-AMPHIBIAN The idea was truly grandiozny is to design and build a versatile vehicle, able to move confidently off-road (land version) and be speedy and reliable afloat (boats). After a few years the boat amphibian was ready and passed first tests. Started normal stage of refinement, enhancements, improvements, ride quality and handling. In between working in the garage was the shows long passages, test runs in road conditions and water crossings.

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