CLEARANCE MACHINEThe frame is made of planks 10 mm thick, glued with joiner’s glue. The lazy side walls are inserted two ordinary glass and are secured with strips of sheet metal. A stand for the bulb to make aluminum wire Ø 5 mm. Cord with plug is output through the opening in the side wall of the frame.

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THE CAT AND THE MOUSE IN THE MAZEThose who have read the jump by Charles Perrault or watched the cartoon “puss in boots”, remember how much trouble was the cat that didn’t want to catch mice… So it opened a white light — cats should catch mice, and mice hiding from cats. And of course, each of the parties, not wanting to be the loser, goes to all sorts of tricks: the cat sits motionless for hours in ambush, or repeatedly bypasses the possession; mouse cleverly disguises its burrow, satisfied with spare moves.

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Covering the balcony

Covering the balconyThe internal covering of balcony gives the opportunity to complete the look of the room, to create comfort and functionality. If the balcony is right, you get a full living space. What better way to sheathe the balcony from the inside? There are many options, and for the most finishes can be used different methods. The material should be selected depending on the specific design, the target destination of the room and its style.

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IVOLGA — air taxi

The Wilga is Polish “Ivolga”. Indeed, this iisna white-winged machine with widely spread wings and forward, powerful paws-chassis resembles a bird, aimed ia a rapid breakthrough. A “character” at the “Wilga” is acknowledged by all who flew it, — the peace. As, however, and her lesson. “Wilga” — light aircraft, which is widely used for various purposes in the Polish CAF.

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BK-117Light multipurpose helicopter BK-117 — the first joint development between the companies of Japan and the Federal Republic of Germany. Since the end of 1981, the helicopter passed the certification tests, and in 1982 was put into production. Rotary-wing machine is easy operation and high reliability.

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INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATIONTo date, the development of electronic, computing technology enables automation of industrial processes and the production in General. As a consequence, one can control the technological process without participating directly in them, improving the quality and level of safety, performance and efficiency of the enterprise.

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TT-1 Pinto (USA)

TT-1 Pinto (USA)Double training aircraft “model 51″ the firm”, Temko aircraft Corporation” developed in 1955 in the framework of the competition announced the U.S. air force on the creation of training aircraft. “Model 51”, called TT-1 “Pinto”, lost the contest plane “Cessna T-37”. TT-1 made its first flight in 1956, after which the prototype was sent to the Aviation test centre of the Navy (PATS), where was evaluated in comparison with the “beach Mod” 73 jet Mentor. In the period from 1955 to 1957, was built 14 aircraft TT-1 “Pinto”.

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FMA IA 63 Pampa (Argentina)

FMA IA 63 Pampa (Argentina)Development of combat training aircraft “Pampa” began in 1979, the Design was made on the basis of the aircraft “alpha jet”, with the involvement of the company “Dornier”. In 1981 began construction of three prototypes and two airframes for static tests. The first prototype, named EX-01, first flew in October 1987 it was Planned to produce 300 aircraft: 100 for the Argentine air force and 200 for export. But in the end, to the end of 1990 produced a total of 55 cars.

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