BED FOR GRANDCHILDRENBED FOR GRANDCHILDRENThe time comes, children leave the parental home and, as often happens, the “old” people begin to associate their hopes with their grandchildren, often wanting to hear their voices. Was no exception and the author decided to realize their old dream – to put in the children’s room with bunk beds. It is not only beds, but also a small gym with a ladder.

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REPRODUCTIVE UNITAnd this is the easiest bracket to mount the camera. A sheet of plywood with a thickness of 12-16 mm and a size of 576X576 mm shall be marked in accordance with the drawing. After sawing through the appropriate lines of get a full set of details for Assembly installation. Careful completion of this operation will eliminate the additional adjustment of parts during Assembly.

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MOMENTUM BELIEVES ELECTRONICSMOMENTUM BELIEVES ELECTRONICSUbiquitous electronics is steadily expanding its “activities”. Where yesterday it was considered “foreign”, today it becomes indispensable helper. Approval this fully applies to karting. Smooth engine operation and high speed, readiness “number one” at the start and scrupulous accuracy at the finish be possible in collaboration with the electronics.

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B-58 “Hustler”

B-58 Supersonic B-58 was created by the firm “Konver” as a replacement for the b-47. The first flight took place on 11 November 1956. Six weeks later, on 30 December 1956, the new car has exceeded the speed of sound, and after six months -29 June 1957 – Hasler made the first flight with the speed, twice the sound (M=2,03 at an altitude of about 13 km). 1 August 1960 to the customer was delivered the first production aircraft.

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THE MODEL CLASS F-W-EThis velocity model of his own design, is designed to perform a figure of course. The model can be made in the traditional method where the frames are assembled with plywood with thickness of 1 mm, a keel from a piece of wood a cross section of 6X10 mm, the stem is made of plywood of 3 mm thickness, stringers — strips of a cross section of 4×4 mm. the Hull is sheathed with millimeter plywood; experienced modelers make it from fiberglass, pre-prepared matrix. To strengthen the hull glued the keel bar, and extra stringers and a bulkhead separating the engine compartment from the compartment with the radio.

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TRACTOR-UNIVERSALThis tractor for almost 20 years, and all these years he not only regularly serves his Creator A. A. Safenano from the village of Alexandrov, the Tambov region, but also constantly improving. A feature of the car is a bucket-loader which is quite rare among self-made designs. This device is good because it optionally can be used as a blade, for example, when clearing snow from roads.

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Immediately after his return from Moscow to Koktebel in the fall of 1929 Sergei asked me to do a new airframe for aerobatics, — says the aircraft designer S. N. The lyushin.— There were many reasons that prevented me to take this job, and he began to design what later became SC-3 — “Krasnaya Zvezda”. Her design, very original, still lay in the framework of a familiar and accepted. Tasks that has set itself the S. P. Korolev was much more complicated. Here is how he talks about them:

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