Shall we PLAY?A modern casino with excellent gambling attracts many, but to go there dare not everyone. Another thing — home electronic arcade. Here and nice and safe and the costs are minimal. On how to initiate the creation of such games, says the factsheet, which draws on materials from the Bulgarian periodical “Young designer”.

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AIR — SCOUTThe plane of distant radar detection E-1B TRACER. The idea of installing a radar plane to detect air targets first appeared in England in early 1936. But the preference nevertheless was given to the development of a complex ground-based early warning radar. Onboard radar showed the fighter command aircraft in July 1939.

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ELECTROBOILERWant to offer readers to build an electric scooter. However, this is only an idea, without detailed development. This electrosolar can be made at home, using the components of industrial scooters. Bearing parts can be made of pipe of suitable diameter.

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SEMICONDUCTORS OF LIGHTIn 1907, English engineer Round, who worked at the world famous Marconi laboratory, accidentally noticed that running the detector around a point of contact there is a glow. Also seriously interested in this physical phenomenon and tried to find the practical application of “inconceivably talented Russian” — Oleg Vladimirovich Losev.

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BATH OF LOGSBath is not only a place where you can spend time in close company of friends, had a good warm up and whip each other with brooms, she also serves indispensable functions to improve health. After the correct procedures in the bath improves the function of many organs and systems: kidneys, respiratory system, excretory system. This is due to the cleansing of toxins, salts, toxic substances, acids and degradation products. It all comes out then.

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FLOATING ARMORED VEHICLES FOR THE RED ARMYIn the thirties of the last century in Germany was issued a Handbook Heigle “Tanks” for many years and then enjoyed great popularity among the military specialists. Already in the first section concerning the tasks performed by different types of armored vehicles, it was noted that “armored vehicles due to their large specific speed used primarily for exploration”, but a little further we read: “when high mobility on roads and a large range of armored vehicles have only a limited permeability in the area” – and one might add: “and no traffic in the presence of water obstacles”.

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