(Continued. The beginning see in number 10, 1973). Most Maritime powers after the Russo-Japanese war, the maximum funds allocated for the construction of dreadnoughts and sverhdrednoutami. The development of mines was paid, although less, but some serious attention. As for submarines, this is a matter between the Russo-Japanese and imperialist wars have reigned complete confusion.

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AND THE REMAINING EXPERIENCEDMedium tank T-34-100. In previous editions “Bronekollektsiya” we talked about trying to increase the firepower of the most common tank Western allies “Sherman”. Naturally the question arises: were there such attempts in relation to the most massive Soviet tank T — 34. And we are not talking about modification of the T-34-85, armed with 85-mm cannon, and set to “thirty” even more powerful artillery systems.

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RC The creation of RC model aircraft preceded, as a rule, the search of the prototype aircraft, because aviation hobby in the first place, is a small picture of the real aircraft. As for the “Finist”, selected as a sample when designing a radio-controlled model, he seemed to be specially created by the designer as a future prototype flying polyopia. In favor of this choice — and the wing of large aspect ratio, and developed a stabilizer, and a rather large keel, and a voluminous fuselage, makes it easy to install control equipment model.

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REPAIR One of the common causes leading to failure of washing machines “Vyatka-automatic”, is the failure of motor windings (ED) the drive command device. In repair shops usually eliminate this problem by replacing. And I prefer not to deal with blown cheap update windings and not even with “soundriver” motor, and with expensive command device (SC), in which all of this is not subject to disassembly “monolith”.

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JAGUAR ХК8British company Jaguar Cars belongs to Ford, and thanks to his financial assistance develops and manufactures high-quality cars, combining sporty performance with ride comfort. Their production is small — only 50 thousand a year, but the number of admirers of these to what extent “cult” machines is growing steadily.

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Free lessons in 3d modeling

Free lessons in 3d modelingTo date, the abbreviations 2D and 3D will not surprise anyone, neither student nor pensioner. Every modern man one way or another in everyday life encounters with these word combinations. 2D (two-dimensional graphics) is a type of computer graphics that works with the image specified in two parameters – the width and height. Such an image can be called flat. 3D (three-dimensional graphics) is a type of computer graphics that works with the image specified by three parameters – width, height and depth. Such an image can be called volumetric.

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HUGHES TH-55AAmerican aircraft company, Hughes Tool, founded in 1935, began to develop helicopters in 1948. His first helicopter — flying crane XH-17 with a payload of about 11 t – it was created in 1953. After the reorganization, the company was named Hughes Helicopters Inc.

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FUN SWINGFUN SWINGA common attribute of most of the country and personal plots are swings for children. The production versions are many. Swing you can make, as metal pipes and profiles and timber. The proposed design I saw in one of the parks. It is so simple that requires no special knowledge and carpentry experience.

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