Mechanic Valery Kirilo from the village N. Chernychova the Brest region, built the Rover “KV-4” — jeep, which can work as a wheeled tractor. As a motor it has an engine “PD-10U”.
Electrofresh is intended for soil (top soil) household and cottage (with electricity) sites, hilling potatoes. Considering the rather difficult conditions: long continuous work, continuous overload, dust, preference was given to more severe and large industrial three-phase motor is totally enclosed, front manifold, DC.
Medium tank T-34-100. In previous editions “Bronekollektsiya” we talked about trying to increase the firepower of the most common tank Western allies “Sherman”. Naturally the question arises: were there such attempts in relation to the most massive Soviet tank T — 34. And we are not talking about modification of the T-34-85, armed with 85-mm cannon, and set to “thirty” even more powerful artillery systems.
The creation of RC model aircraft preceded, as a rule, the search of the prototype aircraft, because aviation hobby in the first place, is a small picture of the real aircraft. As for the “Finist”, selected as a sample when designing a radio-controlled model, he seemed to be specially created by the designer as a future prototype flying polyopia. In favor of this choice — and the wing of large aspect ratio, and developed a stabilizer, and a rather large keel, and a voluminous fuselage, makes it easy to install control equipment model.
To date, the abbreviations 2D and 3D will not surprise anyone, neither student nor pensioner. Every modern man one way or another in everyday life encounters with these word combinations. 2D (two-dimensional graphics) is a type of computer graphics that works with the image specified in two parameters – the width and height. Such an image can be called flat. 3D (three-dimensional graphics) is a type of computer graphics that works with the image specified by three parameters – width, height and depth. Such an image can be called volumetric.