It was built of plain newsprint. This simple design N. V. Rumyantsev, the head of one of clubs of young technicians of Ryazan, was able to captivate the children, introduce them to technical creativity. Did snowmobile, scooter. But, apparently, remained in boys, the call of the sky. Manufactured glider. And now, according to a snapshot Read more…


Launching British submarine unity (“Grey” years of production in Britain of large patrol boats and fight against their faults in the beginning of 30-ies of the last century began to rastsvechivaya more vivid, but sometimes quite unexpected colors. There is a new subclass of submarines, which were received by different requirements, most important of which, in accordance with the trends of the time, primarily Economics was the principle of “cheaper, better and Shine.”

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HONDA CIVICThe Japanese company Honda Motor every four years, represents a radical new family car HONDA CIVIC, IN September 1995, the firm unveiled at the IAA’95 the sixth generation of these cars with three variants of body: three-door hatchback, four-door and two-door sedans.

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SECRETS TIERNEYIn the fourth issue of our magazine published model glider of the world champion V. Extencive. Today we offer timesnow model champion of the USSR E. Verbitsky. She applied some new technical solutions, providing the model a clear advantage at the USSR championship of 1973. Especially clearly its benefits manifested in the last, tenth round of the championship of the USSR.

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WATCHMAN-INVISIBLEGenerators of low frequency oscillations, as is known, can be used as a caretaker: intermittent loud noises warn of the approach of a stranger. On the same principle and made our “Keeper”. It is assembled on the transistor T1 and the transformer TR1 (Fig. 1). Load — the loudspeaker TP1. The chain of positive feedback R1, R2, R3, R4, C1 provides periodic self-excitation of the generator.

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SMART ACS Changed by the early 1980s, the concept of action of artillery on the battlefield demanded not only “increase its power, range, maneuverability.” The foundations were laid for integrated automation of process of firing via a combination of reconnaissance and communication systems and data processing; design and creation of “smart” artillery of the samples.

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WHAT'S NEW BEARING?It would seem that in this field of mechanics it is difficult to come up with something new: in the friction units of machines and devices have from time immemorial used bearings two main types — ball or roller (rolling) and a stub or vladishev (slip). Not only the device but also of their traditional materials: steel, Babbitt, bronze, textolite, special cast iron.

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Memories of childhood and adolescence accompany the person in his life: about the native log house with a Russian stove; the sun warmed the dusty paths of the garden, the goats (most of the emphasis in conversation and make on the second syllable) for sawing wood, standing in a corner in the yard near the woodshed…

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