Someone who knows Morse code or just going to study it, can build a simple device, shown in the figure. On a plywood Board install the battery B and the lamp L of the flashlight. Contactor In the manufacture of contact plate faulty relay. Now connect the parts to each other by wires. To increase Read more…


This device is not very complicated and consists of the heating element, the mercury column and the solenoid. When the current is switched on starts to operate the heater — closed working contacts of the relay. When it starts to heat up the mercury, and the column rises to the level of the contact turns Read more…


Manufacturing of hollow beams to collect the glider, I was faced with the need to have a thin, uniform thickness or width of the slats. We had a little bit to improve the conventional wooden plane (see Fig.). Drilled in it two holes, I inserted the stud with nuts and washers. On the studs put Read more…


This simple saw can be processed plywood, thin wooden boards, etc. On the basis of the size of 250X150 mm are mounted the following parts: 1 — the solenoid of the screw Ø10 mm, which is wound with insulated copper wire 0.2 mm (the more turns, the greater the power of the magnet); 2 — Read more…


INVENT A STROLLER!I think that it interests not only me, but many who because of injury, illness. or accident has lost the ability to move independently. Great care of us, the disabled, shows the state. A got a good apartment. All would be nothing if… not the stairs. For those who can’t walk or hardly move, stairs are an insurmountable obstacle.

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Fig. 1.Fig. 2.Simply by touching the sensing element and actuates an electronic device that includes an alarm or actuator. The sensing element Ан1 — plated plate connected through a resistor R2 with a grid of thyratron MTX-90 (Fig. 1). The potential appearing ka the grid of the thyratron when you touch the plate, sets fire to it. The resulting circuit mtkh-90 pulses through the capacitor C2 is transferred to the SCR Q3 and the load (relay, lamp, siren, etc.). The circuit is powered directly from the mains alternating current. The capacitor C1 plays the role of damping resistor.

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Learn? No, not the one who is smiling in the photograph, and the frame in which the picture is inserted? That’s right: this is the original application details from the old key switches. Its the plastic trim so gets a second life as miniature photo frames.