SECRETS THERE, ZENICA EYE. Our vision — natural stereophotography: the image of the same object on the retina varies, as each “eye” sees the object from a different angle. And only in the brain the signals from the retina from these different images are processed into one three dimensional picture.

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EJECTOR of COPYUsing copy booster of the spaceship “Soyuz” in the class of models K-2 has, along with the advantages and disadvantages. In the manufacture of models, it is difficult to meet the launch weight of 120 g. But the complexity of the design allows (high quality models) to high poster ocenku. And we decided to build the engine in the junction of the two conical surfaces of the Central unit. Thus it was possible to refuse to load the nose of the model. The inner surface of the Central unit for protection against burn-out during operation of the engine covered office silicate glue.

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DIAGNOSIS — MONITORThe ancient Roman principle of “divide and conquer” is acceptable when… the diagnosis of PC monitor. Especially when you want to find out: is good program for display or handling his job as “electronics”? To the same conclusion when we consider the interaction of the monitor with the system unit of a PC, even if the sight is not complete, but simplified scheme.

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RADIO COMMANDS WILL BE MORE!Under the heading “advice to the Modeler” magazine “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 11 ’01 published material on how to adapt the radios from cheap toy cars of Chinese production to the remote control equipment, which is lacking in the circles of children’s technical creativity. Penetrating the essence of the proposed technical solutions, I came to the conclusion that the chip KY011 encoder base of the transmitter with a more efficient application allows you to enter two more commands through the use of the 1st and 6th “back-up” pulses.

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FLIPPED — AND HOURS WENTI want to share one small advice. I have an old, since Soviet times, wall clock Mayak. In General, a good watch and was exactly, and a good design, and well preserved externally. But one day they suddenly started to lag, and then stood up. First, changed the batteries, cleaned contacts — nothing helped. After an unsuccessful repair, I was told that they have long no parts and, in General, the road them to the dump.

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