Russian weapons. Old does not mean obsolete. For several decades after the Second world war the steady increase in the use of tanks in the conduct of hostilities was accompanied by the emergence of a number of countermeasures. However, the traditional anti-tank guns were shown to be ineffective for destroying targets protected all the more thick and strong armor, amid a sharp rise in the mobility of tanks on the battlefield and the appearance of other armored threats to infantry.
As we know, Germany in the beginning of the Second world war there were two types of medium tanks: Pz.HI and Pz.IV. Both cars were created in the mid 1930-ies very close to the reference, which led to the creation of two almost identical in weight, size and booking, but differing in armament and in the end — a completely different construction machines. It is difficult to give an explanation. For example, a base weight was 15 and 18 t, respectively. Significant differences were only armed with one machine had to carry a 37-mm, and the other 75-mm gun. Where it would be logical to take one tank, with two arms, as done, for example, in the UK and partly in the USSR. In any case, such a decision would entail much less costs in the future.
Developed industry of South Africa helped to create the country’s advanced military industry, ranking in the global top ten by volume of its products. Enterprises of the state Corporation ARMSCOR under the Ministry of defense, almost completely meet the requirements of your army, developing samples, capable of performing combat tasks, taking into account local climatic conditions.
Since the emergence of tanks as a kind of weapon in their design a special mark was put “duel armor and shells”. By the end of the Second world war, showed a certain balance. One of the original criteria in the development of new war machines was the requirement that the tank armor is not penetrated by armor-piercing projectiles of his own gun. In this approach, and were all post-war tanks of the so-called first generation.
In July 1929 the revolutionary military Council of the USSR adopted the “System of tank-, tractor-, car-, breeveertien the red army” laid for the coming years program to create armored forces (from 1930 to 1933 – mechanized forces) the red Army. In the late 1920s and early 1930s, our industry started production of MS-1 tanks (T-18), which became the first production car T-24 from three-tier weapons, T-26. Developed prototype of the T-19 and T-20. It was a machine armed with a 37 mm Hotchkiss guns, PS-1, or even of 7.52-mm machine guns.
From the beginning of the Second world war in the United States of America closely followed the fighting in Europe and I must say, doing generally the right conclusions from the experience of others. In particular, did not go unnoticed and the first evidence of the use by German forces self-propelled artillery. In 1940 the Americans launched work on the creation of artillery systems of similar purpose. As in the case of self-propelled tank destroyers (“modelist-Konstruktor” No. 1, 2002), the first versions of ACS, armed with field howitzers, was established on the basis of half-track armored personnel carrier M3. On the first set, the swinging part 75-mm mountain howitzer M1A1 on the second — 105-mm field howitzer М2А1. These machines received the designation T30 T19 NMS and NMS, respectively. The abbreviation NMS stands for Howitzer Motor Carriage, which literally means “the engine crew howitzer”, but in the semantic — self-propelled howitzer.
Standing on the armies of NATO, after its establishment, main battle tanks M48 and M-60 though possessing taktikalise characteristics that are consistent with the requirements imposed on them, but were not able to fully resist the new Soviet tanks of the first post-war generation of T-54, T-55, T-62 and it-1.
Dedicated to the memory of General designer Mikhail Kuzmich Yangelya. In issue No. 7 of 2000 published an article “the workhorse of the launch sites” dedicated booster light class — “Kosmos-3M”. It’s time to tell the readers more about the earlier work (now quite forgotten), the famous Dnepropetrovsk CB “South”— the first Russian carrier rocket light class that took indexes 63С1 and 11К63 and an open name “Kosmos-2”. In this article the author talks about the rocket when it is presented the detailed drawing, executed on full-scale model, on display in the National aerospace education center of Ukraine in Dnepropetrovsk.
In August 1942, the armaments Department of the land forces of the Wehrmacht developed tactical and technical requirements for a heavy tank designed in the future to replace the recently released “Fever” — Pz.VI Ausf.E (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 7, 2003). On the new machine was supposed to use the constructed in 1941 by the Krupp 88 mm KwK 43 gun with a barrel length of 71 caliber. In the fall of 1942 to the design of the tank began firm Henschel and the design office of Ferdinand Porsche, once again competing with Erwin Aders.