the First German armored vehicle, created in the 1930-ies, was developed by order of the Supreme command of the Reichswehr on the chassis of the car Adler 3Gd. This rather primitive combat vehicle intended to accompany cavalry and intelligence. It had a welded open top hull of the 8-mm armor. Armament consisted of a 7.92 mm MG 13 machine gun mounted in the middle of the body behind the shield and having a limited arc of fire. Carbureted 6-cylinder engine Adler 6S power 60 HP at 3200 Rev/min dispersed heavy (2,1-t) combat vehicle up to a speed of 50 km/h. Armored car had rear wheel drive and steer front wheels, suspension on semi-elliptic leaf springs and hydraulic brakes. The crew of the armored car consisted of two people: the commander and the driver. Radio stations on the car was and the crews maintained communications via signal flags. As such, the armored car was accepted into service of the Reichswehr under the designation Kfz.13.

Correspondence duel
The need to cover ground-based air defense armored and mechanized units in the attack, and on the march from air attacks became apparent during the Second World War. Almost in all the belligerent countries, different patterns of anti-aircraft self-propelled units were created (ZSU). Unfortunately, we must admit that in this area the Soviet Union was not among the leaders. During the Great Patriotic War in the Soviet Union failed to create effective anti-aircraft self-propelled units. The very same mass of ZSU Red Army became an American M17 previously shipped with the Soviet Union under the Lend-Lease.
Unlike most other countries, the Japanese tank development began not with light, but with medium tanks. The first was a medium tank “2589” (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 1,1997), developed in 1927, based on the English tank “Vickers” MK With and experienced the Japanese “2587”. It was created on the basis of contemporary ideas about the role of tanks that had prevailed among the Japanese military, according to which the main task of the tanks was to support infantry. To the middle 1930-x years, these views have undergone a major adjustment. In particular, armor protection and mobility “2589,” was deemed insufficient. These findings formed the basis in 1936 of the technical requirements for a new medium tank. At smaller sizes, better mobility and a more powerful armor than its predecessor, he had to have the same armament — 57 mm gun and two machine guns.

The appearance on the Eastern front, the new German heavy tanks Pz.VI “Tiger” has made significant adjustments to the plans of the Soviet tank builders. In early April had obtained reliable information about armor protection of the “Tiger”, and on April 15 released the GKO, which obliged the people’s Commissariat of weapons to create a powerful tank gun, able to deal with the new technology of the enemy. At the end of April on Netpoolone in Kubinka shot from various artillery systems subjected to the only trophy “Tiger”.

Question about creating a tank with a missile weapon for the first time raised the Deputy Chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers, V. A. Malyshev at the meeting with representatives of the tank industry on 31 January 1956 in Itself the idea of equipping tanks missiles was not new. Back in the 1930s on the tanks of the BT experiment was set starting devices for large-caliber rockets (RS) during the great Patriotic war base light tank T-60 was used to install reactive systems of volley fire (MLRS); the work was carried out on equipment of heavy tanks KV-1 TO the short tank rocket artillery system (KARST), but it remained at the stage of prototyping. The allies some American tanks “Sherman” had the rockets as secondary weapon. All the tanks weapons missile weapons was to install an unmanaged type RS, ERS-132.
Designers Uralvagonzavod im. Dzerzhinsky, overcoming many difficulties, has created an entirely new fighting machine of the it-1 was the first domestic tank with high-precision weapons. The tank destroyer was a closed military tracked machine, having a powerful missile weapons, reliable armor protection and high mobility, designed to destroy enemy tanks and other moving and stationary armored targets potential enemy at ranges up to 3 km.