Organizer of technical creativity: L. Storchevoy. The way the Steelworkers (1).
ENEA – young innovator: Tells savvy (3).
Public KB “M-K”: M. Larkin. “Protein” is a modular micro – car, only (5).
Organizer of technical creativity: L. Storchevoy. The way the Steelworkers (1).
ENEA – young innovator: Tells savvy (3).
Public KB “M-K”: M. Larkin. “Protein” is a modular micro – car, only (5).
The young Communist League and the scientific-technical progress: R. Shelter. The light of creation (1).
ENEA – school innovation: Productivity and quality (3).
Organizer of technical creativity: V. Biryukov. Krasnodar samples (6).
Komsomol – five years: V. Zakharov. Address inspiration (1).
Meet interesting people: G. Malinowski. Dreamer, designer, teacher (3).
ENEA – young innovator: NTTM: searches and discoveries (4).
Addresses NTTM: S. Lipkin. At the console class (1).
ENEA – young innovator: Proven (3).
Organizer of technical creativity: L. Myslivecek. Care of the novice Director (5).
Horizons technology: N. Gulia. Transport going in tomorrow (6).
The toilet (water Closet) sanitary-technical device for the administration of first bowel movement of people that is installed in the toilets and is equipped with an automatic or semi-flush. Usually made of sanitary ceramics. The design is similar to modern-day toilet was first invented in China around the first century BC.
Organizer of technical creativity: employment is not seasonal (2);
To make a “fan” (4).
ENEA – school innovation: jar NTTM (5).
Jeans — trousers made of thick cotton cloth, with prokladnymi seams seams on the pockets. First produced in 1873 Levi Strauss as working clothes for farmers, the so-called rednecks. Originally, jeans were sewn from hemp canvas of English or American manufacture, considerably cheapened because of the decline of the sailing fleet. Due to this, the material of the jeans has gained a reputation for being an exceptionally durable wear.
Young technicians – production: Yuri Stepanov. Kiev, CST (1).
ENEA – school innovation: Plowman sloping fields (3).
Public KB “M-K”: V. Neborak. “Washee-washee” on the sidewalk (6);
The young Communist League and the scientific-technical progress: NTTM: review in progress (1).
Organizer of technical creativity: Yuri Stepanov. CUT and plant (2).
ENEA – school innovation: Dryer… water (5).
October and technical creativity of millions (1).
USSR-60: I. Evstratov. The journey from the day before yesterday the day after tomorrow (5);
LTT is the search (7);