Favorite home gardeners have always been turntables rattles, driven in rotation by the wind — they are designed to repel moles and other rodents that can damage the roots of the garden trees and shrubs. The most popular is the vane attached in front of the propeller. However, there are equally effective and at the same time more simple “burner”, who do not need the device, rotate the propeller into the wind.
Country house
In a quiet corner of the garden of his manor house planted Douglas fir. Three years have passed. The tree grew, grew. And then came the idea to build a small gazebo that over time, the fir in a hot summer day will cover the shadow of its branches. At leisure even made a sketch of the structure. But, as is often the case, the embodiment of the idea was hampered by lack of materials, but rather the allocation of the family budget for their purchase, as the case was not so urgent. But the idea to give is not wanted. Began to ponder how to carry out the construction, so it was not expensive, but beautiful: the house — building rather for the soul, and finding it should be fun.
Even if the fall was not very generous, still the outgoing summer leaves in the garden and in the garden after harvest a lot of vegetable waste. Some site owners try to get rid of them, just taking to the dump. A zealous owners know that the tops, the drops, trimming branches and foliage — all this could be for the following season, additional fertilizer and fertilizer for the new crop. So carefully raked-collect garden waste dumped in their allotted under this corner of the site and form a so-called compost heap, in which such accumulation will gradually pereplet and turn into nutritious organic fertilizer.
However, if the pile is to simply leave the heap — in the process of experiencing, they become loose and under the action of rain and wind to lose their shape, that is, creep away, taken away on the site. Why waste trying to lay in specially dug a compost pit or strive for them to build any fencing.
Covering garden paths and access roads to cottage country or area it is advisable to do so in order to preserve the turf and to minimize the cares of paths.
For this purpose is the best fit (recommends that the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster”) slotted track of concrete slabs (Fig.1). They can make their own using a simple form of self-Assembly. Thus can be achieved that the plates will be similar to factory direct: easy to use, sturdy, but cheaper. Cracks the finished coating must be filled with earth and sown with grass seed. Thus, green square footage is not materially reduced, and on the tracks will not gather rainwater or melt water.
“Ah, summer red, I would love you, if not for the heat, and dust, Yes mosquitoes, Yes flies!” Who would not think of these Pushkin’s lines, “fighting” in a country house or cottage with pesky insects, attacking tourists through the open Windows and doors. But it’s not going to trap myself in a closed room, came specially to get some fresh air. So start experimenting with a gauze canopy or curtains.
The main object of “defense” from the omnipresent flies, of course, the front door as the most frequently opened or open permanently for ventilation. And the most effective way to protect here, as shown, — additional mesh door hung on existing door frame: the entrance is almost closed, but available for the penetration of fresh air.
Heat exchanger
The same heat that we feel from sunlight, can be used for household needs in the suburban area — for example, for heating water for shower, dishes or watering plants. A device of this solar heater is simple. Just need the roof set so-called heat exchanger coiled hose connected to the tank with water.
Immediately it should be noted that for water heating solar heat exchanger is suitable mainly in the spring, summer and early fall (the use of this design in a cold time requires expensive, quite complex, alterations).
The proposed solution is best used for suburban areas not connected to the mains and has a sloping roof (Fig.1). The basis of design — tubular plastic heat exchanger, Packed in a box with dimensions 2×1 m. Its own one-time capacity of approximately 20 liters. Naturally, this is not enough, so you must mount and connect the tank, which will refill the system with water as it is warming up and use.
For water treatment there are many different devices. In Russia we have a traditional of them is bath, bathtub, shower. The people noticed that the bath treats, bath — relaxing, but invigorating shower. Besides, a shower is the most rapid form of bathing, which does not require any special preparations. In my view, it (the shower) and the most economical of these. Here I am, having a bath in the garden tub and in the house he decided to shower and use the tub as a sump. But the tub was already old, and on “family Council” decided that this version of us is not so necessary. Just need one soul, arranging him in the bath — in the corner of the boiler house extension to the house, where there was a gas boiler. It’s warm even in the bitter Siberian winter, besides eating and sanitation.
The preparatory work consisted of dismantling the old tub and the acquisition of missing materials. But I must say that both were not big problems and work.
Thrifty when the owner erected a cottage or manor house, then after (and maybe during) a desire to build bath. It happened to me. First of all analysed the options for baths, which I had to bathe or just to see them. Remembered what I liked and what not. And read all the available literature on the subject. Whatever you say, and the main “bath” is a furnace, so the “dance” started for her — decided on its design and location in the bath. With the wall material of the questions was not clearly wood: a log or lumber, and of such thickness that could make bathing even in winter when they are particularly pleasant and helpful.
Building a country house, we try to protect it from the damaging effects of fire: use heat-resistant materials, buy fire extinguishers, installed fire alarm. But the protection from lightning often forget.
One of the possible reasons for the neglect of our countrymen to this question is that building regulations do not consider mandatory lightning protection of buildings with a height less than 30 m. in addition, many people used to hope for the best convincing myself that the likelihood of an electrical discharge in their vacation home is almost zero.