What motorcycles and scooters are not built lovers side trailers! To “IAM” and “Sunrise”, to the old “Zundapp” and a brand new “Vyatskaya-Electron”. Don’t refuse to add a third wheel to his car and owners of scooters “Tula 200”. Moreover, the power of the engine of the modern “Tula Tourist” is quite allow. Unlike many such trailers design, proposed by Vladimir Kovalev from Bryansk, draws a bold design, to strict compliance of the contours of the shape of a scooter, reliability and modern technology for manufacturing of the body. So, the side of the trailer to the “Thule Tourist”.
Unusual marked the fiftieth anniversary of Pavlodar Amateur snowmobile technology A. M. Pukhov: on the snowy expanses of Irtysh he tested his new winter all-terrain vehicle. His snowmobile with the engine IZH-49 are controlled by a front ski, a mover — drum.