ALL ABOUT the MAP“you Wrote Pankov Alexey Illarionovich, the leader of the group for karting at the House of pioneers city of Genichesk of the Kherson area. I appeal to you to help me and my kids in the construction of karts. Guys, after reading the materials about karting in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, came up with the idea themselves to build the map. But we have faced such difficulties: where to get tires for the map? Engine “JAVA-05″? Disks for wheels?”

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WALKING ELECTROACTIVEThe idea of creating a small four-wheeled carriage with electric drive for pleasure trips in the picturesque surroundings of Peterhof came to us last year. Before that, we built two-wheeled machine as a drive unit used for electric drill, powered by a car battery through the transistor voltage Converter.

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FISHING? IN A JEEP!Winter fishing — an occupation for the most persistent. Try-ka in the cold to spend the whole day at the wells — there will not save any coat, no tent, no “forty degrees warmer”. However, indulge in a favorite hobby can be and in a comfortable environment. You only need to get a special all-terrain vehicle on low pressure tires with a closed heated cabin, in which all fit for his beloved winter fishing.

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MY TRACTOR — GARDENERSIn the publication “Model construction” many find useful for themselves, most importantly — a desire to do it yourself. In recent years I’ve done three walk-behind tractor and a mini tractor. In the design of the tractor used a two-cylinder 4-stroke engine UD-25 power 14 HP, added to the pulley to drive the oil pump NSH-32, as well as two modified transmission: engine from a motorcycle “Ural”, leaving her the I-th (working) and IV (transport) of transfer (this box plays the role of the gearbox), and the car “Zaporozhets”, providing her a second support and extending the input shaft.

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THIRD WHEEL What motorcycles and scooters are not built lovers side trailers! To “IAM” and “Sunrise”, to the old “Zundapp” and a brand new “Vyatskaya-Electron”. Don’t refuse to add a third wheel to his car and owners of scooters “Tula 200”. Moreover, the power of the engine of the modern “Tula Tourist” is quite allow. Unlike many such trailers design, proposed by Vladimir Kovalev from Bryansk, draws a bold design, to strict compliance of the contours of the shape of a scooter, reliability and modern technology for manufacturing of the body. So, the side of the trailer to the “Thule Tourist”.

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COTTAGE-AMPHIBIANWe have already talked about a jeep-climber, which could become a new kind of mountain transport (see “M-To” No. 12 of 1974). But machine-controlled trucks will be able to find application in the polar regions — to move through the ice zamorochena fields, and on water. At first, perhaps, as a small vehicle polar explorers and, later, as special cargo trasport type “water — ice” for the developing regions of Siberia and the North.

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Unusual marked the fiftieth anniversary of Pavlodar Amateur snowmobile technology A. M. Pukhov: on the snowy expanses of Irtysh he tested his new winter all-terrain vehicle. His snowmobile with the engine IZH-49 are controlled by a front ski, a mover — drum.


THE SNOWMOBILE FIRST, BUT GOODThe author of this material — a pupil from the far Siberian city. When we received his letter with a description of the constructed ski-track of a snowmobile, he was 15 and he was in the tenth grade in high school. Now Eugene was older, more experienced and already a bit different, perhaps I would design the individual nodes his first ATV. But then in a letter to the editor it, recognizing myself as a newbie in the technical work, asked not to judge it strictly as a designer.

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