MIGOMOBILE FANTASY? REALITY!A small group of enthusiastic scientists and engineers of the Department of theoretical mechanics of the Kursk Polytechnic Institute, working on the creation of an engine operating without fuel and electricity: they are… replace the flywheel. About these interesting looking we asked to speak to the group leader, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor Nurbay Vladimirovich Gulia, head of the Department of theoretical mechanics Institute.

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CARDS WITHOUT THE GAS TANK...Karting is the most popular and accessible to young people kind of motor sport. It is also interesting that card — an object of technical creativity. In addition, to gain initial driving skills on them much easier than on cars. You can start even from the age of nine. The simplicity and low cost of raw materials enable schools, Palaces of pioneers and the young technicians ‘ stations to build as many carts as you need for simultaneous teaching of a large group of guys. Also important is the advantage that these sports cars are cheap to operate and do not require storage spacious garages.

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ANOTHER MICRO...Four years is not a long period, but during this time, you can do many interesting things, especially if you work with a twinkle. Four years ago we in the city of Apatity was organized by the club of young technicians. Annually in fourteen circles here, there are about 250 boys and girls. In one of the clubs design and build microvesicle. For more than twenty a variety of structures designed and built metal Cute young technicians.

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BASED ON In the manufacture of engine AG-1 used many components from mass-produced engines of domestic production. So, for example, cylinder, cylinder head with studs, a piston finger and piston rings — engine M-106, M — 115, crankshaft, shaft seal and the electronic ignition system with flywheel maggino — VP-150M. Carter taken from the widespread outboard motor “Arrow” (or “ZIF”), Perhaps the use of the cylinder-piston group crankshaft from the engine “IZH-Yupiter”. Additional mechanical treatment of serial parts is as follows.

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ENGINE FOR ALL ELEMENTSOR “15 HORSES”, WHICH WEIGH 12 POUNDS. In the range of domestic internal combustion engines which can be guided to create all-terrain vehicles Amateur designers, there are still no models working volume of 125 cm3, with sufficient specific capacity and acceptable specific weight (about 0.8—0.9 kg per horsepower). Attempts to adapt motorcycle engines — the M1A and the like — associated with a time consuming job to remove the gearbox and rework the ignition system to more easy and reliable. But if you have a good engine class 125 cm3 would increase immeasurably the possibility of creating light planes, ekranolyot and gliders.

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EVEN THUNDERGODEVEN THUNDERGODOn the shore of the sea of Okhotsk, far from the regional center — the city of Magadan, located North of the village of Evensk. There are still no good roads, just on the outskirts of the tundra, hills. The main vehicle here ATVs, helicopters and planes.

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THE FOG, GIVING BIRTH TO SPEEDThe boat standing at the dock, nothing attracted attention. Except that instead of a outboard motor on it was a propulsion system with a propeller of relatively small diameter at the gliders it is usually much more. Engine, who worked on small gas gained momentum, howled, n suddenly the plane screw threw himself from a dense foggy cloud. The glider, dramatically picking up speed, reached the redan, and after a couple of minutes disappeared from view, leaving behind a trail of slowly falling.

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What is the snowmobile (motonarty) motorcycle everyone knows who is familiar with these vehicles. Mainly because the first — track and adapted to ride on the snow cover and the second wheel to move on the ground. But for comfort they are the same: open, although the motorcycles are operated mainly in the warmer time of the year, snowmobiles in winter and even in the cold of winter.

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