MOTOFLOORI’m a longtime reader and a regular subscriber of your magazine. Send in edition of a photo made by me Motovilova, which often make field trips to set the mood… Motofloor, which was called “Shaitan-Arba”, produced from aggregates and a old moped and bicycles. The feature of structures is that both the rear (napadovska) the wheels of Motovilovka leading, and the right is driven in rotation by the engine D6, and the left pedal, through a separate chain drive.

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IN THE SKY — IN THE SKY — To create a device is simple, inexpensive to perform and at the same time with high performance — such is the aim of gliders. We offer our readers the description is very promising glider “Albatros” open class, created by Moscow engineer A. Z. by rabanim in early 1978. This device has been widely tested and has a high aerodynamic qualities. From other phones open class “Albatross” stands simple design (all tube frame straight), in combination with precise profiling of the dome, which provides pre-curved armor combined type (front — hard, back — elastic). The frame of the Albatross allows you to apply domes of different shapes and size without any alterations and additional adjustments.

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“Together cheerfully to walk…” — sung in the nursery rhyme. And go, of course, much more interesting. This gave me the idea to make a children’s bike side trailer. He also increases the stability of the machine. Trailer frame made of steel tube 13,5×2,8 mm, frame passenger seat — aluminum with an outer diameter of Read more…


TRAILER With the approaching holiday period, many tourists (especially family) start to think about how and where they will Park and ride to live at the camp or on wheels, equipped with machine devices to sleep, or just in the tent. There are other, so to speak related, problems. For example, drinking water supplies in transit and at rest, the sanitary arrangements, lighting system, device, nutrition, etc. the Best solution is to build individual camper with a universal hitch that allows you to tow it as a private car and associated transport.

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UNDERWATER FIREARMSpearfishing in waters with complex bottom relief and limited transparency of water has its own characteristics: no time to restore the gun, nowhere to maneuver. Rifle, currently available in the sale, for such conditions uncomfortable. Which is preferable underwater guns. Of the known types of such weapons is most suitable — capsule. Their main advantage is that when fired the harpoon at the impulse of several hundred kilograms, in contrast to the guns of other systems where the force on the harpoon does not exceed tens of kilograms. Accordingly vary the speed of the harpoon. The advantages of cap and ball pistols can be attributed to the ease of loading.

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Like many readers of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, fond of design — so more than the others interest me in the magazine sections of the “Social Bureau” and “Small-scale mechanization”. For plowing, harrowing and cultivation of the garden made self-propelled electric winch. Use it for ten years. The attention of the readers offer their latest design Read more…


A childhood dream to build a car. However, do it only in adulthood. Registering the car in traffic police in 1974 to go now. Received her prize at the regional and city exhibitions of technical creativity — I wrote to the editor P. Baranov from the city of Orsk, Orenburg region. Car three-door (two rear Read more…


BUGGY-350 - SPORTS CAR SIXTEENThe club “Romantic” from the city of Krasnoyarsk our readers know of the recent publication (“M-K”, 1979, No. 4). The editors have received many letters with requests to acquaint them with the designs buggy club “Romantic”. Fulfilling readers ‘ wishes, we asked the head of the section of Amateur sports autostructure V. A. Hassan to talk about one of the most interesting cars.