LAND CANOESKAYAK FOR… ICE. Who has ever tried to sit in the kayak, he knows how difficult it is to manage. Coaches have to be pretty to work with young athletes before they themselves rush unstable boats on the water, And here in the midst of training winter comes… For three or four months of inactivity to completely lose the skills obtained in the summer. Winter classes are “dry” theory, crosses, etc. m, but all this will not replace the kayak itself.

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SANI-MONALIZAThe basis of design — fir or pine Board dimensions mm. 40Х300Х650 Even better to take a few boards with a thickness of 80 to 35 mm, pripojovat them to each other and glue put it on both sides of the plywood (thickness 4 — 6 mm) cheeks. The workpiece slideway (Fig. 2) apply a grid with a side of a square equal to 50 mm, and gently move it to the contour of the Shoe. Vygruznoy saw cut out detail and clean edges.

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The rapid slide on the icy surface of our homemade ice sailing ice boats, feathered wing-sail, in General determined the name of winter boat — “Blue bird”. It was built at the Central station of young technicians of the Moldavian SSR and was intended to teach novice boaters the art of managing sails in the winter.


SMALL SPOOL, BUT PRECIOUS!To find a suitable engine for snowmobiles — the task is far from simple. Series motors in many aspects (in particular, power density) does not satisfy the Amateur designers. This makes certain enthusiasts to elect quite difficult, but the right way is to create motors own designs, using components and parts of serial.


With age the skeletal system, particularly the spine, is exposed to specific diseases. Begin to affect migrated younger overload, sports and work injuries. But at the same time and the habit of walking and by bike turns into a necessity. Thank you as with minimal cost to improve a simple road bike, making it more comfortable and “softer”. And I think I have successfully solved the problem of depreciation.


In 1959, the USSR Ministry of communications has ordered the design Bureau of the famous Builder of helicopters N. I. Kamov unusual for this size car — a snowmobile. Developers were tasked to create a vehicle that could provide postal services in remote in the winter areas of the North, Siberia, Kazakhstan and Far East.


CAR ON TWO WHEELSMotorbike and car – the cars are different. First and foremost, by the level of comfort. Is it possible to combine the advantages of two-wheeled transport with the convenience of the car? It turns out that you can. And these two-wheeled machines – autoroller or motomobile sometimes meet on the streets. One of designs offer you to do it yourself.

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TRANSPORT, STRETCHING INTO TOMORROWMany readers were interested in the material “Migomobile — fantasy? Reality!” (1977, No. 11), tells about an unusual engine for transport — the flywheel developed by a group of young enthusiasts, members of the NTTM. To meet the wishes of readers to continue this topic, we begin today the publication of a series of articles about the transport of tomorrow. To keep this section we asked doctor of technical Sciences Professor N. V. Gulia.

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