Bought seedlings of two tree-eight-year. Roots are naked without earth. If it sticks? Put all the rules of farming. One soon began to show signs of life and the other is not. I waited two weeks. No movement of the kidneys. I decided to help her stimulation. Brought to the garden plot regulated power supply, multimeter. Plunged to the root of the tree a metal pin with a length of 400 mm (minus). The top of the tree connected to the power supply using the crocodile (“plus”). Turned on the power supply and gradually began to raise the current, but it is more 3 ua did not increase it was Thought that the venture won’t work.
In today’s electronic equipment is widely used touch control. Option sensor available for beginners repetition hams, offers Czech magazine “Amaterske Radio”. If you touch the plate, induced in the human body room electrical AC voltage increases two-stage ULF transistors V1, V2, and then straightens diode VЗ. Direct voltage of about 4 V, which appears at Read more…
When there are dynamic microphone, you can substitute any small-sized dynamic head. Here’s what proposes to make to the Yugoslav magazine “Radio Amater”. Since the voltage developed by the head, a little, pre-amplify with low-yield of germanium, for example, МП39— МП42, or silicon (KT361, КТ203, КТ104) of the transistor included in the scheme with a Read more…
DEVICE FOR CHARGING BATTERIES is a rectifier device with electronic current regulator (Fig. 1). A rectifier manufactured by bridge circuit of diodes V1 — V4 (Fig. 2), and the electronic controller a current amplifier transistor V5. The necessary adjustment select using the divider resistors R2, RZ, providing current from 4 to 6 And at a voltage of 8-15 V.