Enough next to your telephone to put a small plastic box, as from the speaker there is a loud voice. The secret here is simple: mounted in the box coil (scheme) “detects” the electrical signals of the phone conversation, coming then a three-stage transistor amplifier with low frequency.

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FROM Instruments based on the radio. Technical progress is relentless it forces us to buy all new electronic devices, and old, but usable receivers, tape recorders, record players and tape recorders had moved into the closets and attics, and then to the dump. However, enthusiastic Amateurs on a more careful attitude to an old technique, finding it different application. So old, no one needs a radio superheterodyne scheme can certainly be found almost any Amateur radio.

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WELDING IS CONTROLLED ELECTRONICALLYMany designs of metal collected with the use of electric welding. I made this several machines, and one was the most successful and easy to use. I offer welding transformer with electronic current control. It has no moving parts that require a high build quality and vibration. The control unit allows you to smoothly adjust the welding current by turning the potentiometer knob. At the same time all the range of the arc is burning stably. I think this design should be of interest to readers of the journal.

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LOW-VOLTAGE POWER FROM THE NETWORKCompact consumer electronic devices gadgets such as watches, alarm clocks, radios, toys, weather stations and other similar devices are available in almost every home. Regularly and everywhere, home owners have to ensure their power supply batteries with a nominal voltage of 1.5 V (“AA” AA and “mizinchikov”, “AAA”) or of the disc type CR, AG, etc. – with a voltage from 1.5 to 3 V. considering the fact that the power supply elements (batteries) are increasing in price (like everything else), the author offers a more rational solution for the cost-conscious owners, namely, to apply to the food in the house and (or) a favorite with owners of devices powered by household electrical outlet using the AC adapter. Thus, the cost for the family budget significantly reduced, since do not have to constantly buy batteries.

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GARLAND ON THE MAIDEN...GARLAND ON THE MAIDEN...New year without snow Maiden — not a holiday. Precursor to new joys and happiness appears charming dadomo-pink granddaughter: as always, your wonderful sparkling outfit. And let it supplements this time a magical decoration in the form of stellate-iridescent headdress (Fig.1) or the headband with miracle gems (Fig.2)…

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MEASURING EMOTIONSThe profession of pilot, astronaut, test flight of space technology require absolute health and exceptional emotional stability. To determine the degree of emotional stability of each person with the help of an instrument called emocionalnom. Such a device is designed and manufactured in the Club for young technicians Novosibirsk Akademgorodok.

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WHO IS FASTERYou’ve probably heard: “he’s Got good reflexes.” Thicket just as they say about athletes. For example, the goalkeeper. He must react instantly to the ball rapidly flying into the net. Or runner, the reaction of which the starting pistol is calculated for fractional seconds. The ability to find the right solution in any sudden situation, it is important for the pilot, the driver, the driver of the tram or trolleybus.

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FROM Instruments based on the radio. Determination of the frequency of an unmodulated source, an external signal. With the help of measuring GS you can configure any radio transmitting and radio-emitting devices in the frequency range 150 — 12 000 kHz, in the CW mode, and the mode AM or IM. In the absence of signal modulation of an external RF source (CW mode), its frequency can be determined by the method of zero beating with the frequency of HS. The block diagram implementation of the method of zero beat is illustrated.

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