Appeared in stores digital multimeters seriously pressed the usual “switches-instrument Toolkit”. However, expensive components (the battery), and sudden circuit failures limit the possibility of using these multitesters. And in the field-conditions, they are generally unsuitable, as ranked by now outdated “respectable” turnout isometry: danger drop, break, drop solder, the difficulty in retaining “the weight” during the measurements all lead to the loss of an expensive device. Therefore it is better to make a special microtester that meets the stringent requirements of the work in “field” conditions and convenient as a wrist watch. Well base and a “measurement head” of a homemade can, in particular, become familiar to all and accessible indicator of the recording level, is widely used at the time in designs of transistor tape recorders domestic production.
In many electrical devices the old issues (for example, ampervoltmetry Ts20, Ц4315, etc.) as an internal power source used battery KBS (L,X), sedss,7-4,1 In, unfortunately, which are currently very difficult as the industry is almost not released. This situation makes the owners of such devices to switch to other batteries, even of different denomination — to have the necessary EMF through a variety of their compounds, as they say, a trick.
allows you to quickly verify the health of the quartz resonators. Diagram of the device consists of a generator (T1), detector (D1, D2) and DC amplifier (T2). By connecting the quartz to the two terminals of the generator, the power on. If the resonator is OK, resistor R2 appears to the high-frequency voltage which is then fed to diodes D1, D2 for detection. Highlighted in this case a constant component opens the transistor amplifier stage. Load UPT serve milliammeter ИП1 and lamp L1. The glow lamp indicates the functionality of the quartz. But his activity is judged by the readings of the milliammeter. For the active resonator current is 70-90 mA, and for inactive — 30-40 mA.
Depressing statistic of the attacks on the secrets and the assets of the firms, organizations, entrepreneurs (and ordinary citizens) makes it necessary to take appropriate countermeasures, in particular, to acquire security devices and even systems. The proposed technical solution is one of them. Responsive to the appearance of outsiders (outsiders) in a protected area, this electronic guardian offices, apartments, warehouses and other premises in my own way belongs to the rightful owners and employees have “radiolocate” in the form of trinkets.