SUSPENSION FOR STUDIOTo purchase a digital camera, even the mirror, with a huge number of pixels, and at an affordable price, it is not a problem. Moreover, even simple and inexpensive “point and shoot” allows you to take pictures are quite good quality, even automatically adjusted to the conditions of photography. A little podnatorev in the work of the photographer, some decide to deal with this matter professionally and rented a corner in any busy supermarket. There is a camera room, there are customers.

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Since the days when “Tsar Peter arapa married”, carpentry work associated with a large number of planing boards or timber, produced a two-handed plane. Such a tool would no doubt be useful for beginners and vacationers, the area which has no electricity. It is also important that the width of the cutting edge can reach up to 90 mm, whereby the productivity of labour thanks to the efforts of two people is much higher. In addition, it does not require any workbench: can be planed, sitting right on the stack of processed boards, the length of which is not limited, since most work is conducted outdoors. Movement partners resemble a rowing boat: one pulls a plane behind the front handle, and second — is pushing at the rear.


RACK DRIVEWith the advent of unlimited Internet rapidly began to accumulate CDs with recordings. At first laid them down again in round regular containers, but finding the right had drives to sort through, which is not only inconvenient, but there is a danger of damaging the record. Then bought plastic transparent boxes (Sliema) and Packed them into disks, put the storage of thematic piles and rows. But over time, the stacks and rows become too high and long and started again the bulkhead.

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Plots…Only six acres. As in this tiny place and the house, and a separate kitchen-dining room, and utility area, bathroom, and garage. But you want something to put… we Offer to your attention a compact three-storey house-cottage, where under one roof is quite conveniently accommodate all these facilities. It is only 35 sqm and total indoor area is more than two times greater (!). Due to a number of design features of such a “skyscraper” does not look awkward giant. So, we suggest to take a walk around the house, which will help you to get an idea about it.


HOUSE-FOLDINGOn the garden or vegetable part does not need a capital house — often a small cost easy structure type outbuilding. In such an environment feel the need for the country part, starting n the construction of future giving, which is often delayed not for one season. However, all such structures are needed only in summer: from late autumn, all winter and until the spring warming, they are empty, open the weather and the evil “visitor”. Now, if they could not only set, but also to clean, fold for storage when the season is over. The idea of this collapsible house water supply without says our reader A. Nizovtsev.



In many homes, especially in rural areas, and in the cottages, too, remained not long ago, the popular and favorite due to its “softness” a bed with tubular grid. Indeed, they “rest” — how the cloud fluffy, and dreams are seen the same pleasant, light. And that they gradually disappeared from our daily lives, do not blame the mod. Just over time, the tubular mesh is stretched and after a few years turned into a kind of hammock in which to sleep was not comfortable tan as before. I managed without much parentage to return this bed to its former comfort by combining after modernization, the benefits of the “shell” and the usual cushion springs. It took only two solid boards and some coil springs from an old sofa.



Your hallway will become cozier and more elegant if, for example, with the invention to arrange, as shown in these figures, the existing mirror. For round or oval wood cook step “checkers” with through holes, then strung them on fishing line or thin wire, like beads. The end of each affair carefully otshkurit and cover several times the furniture or parquet LAN (before this cover of the workpiece stain). Collecting “beads”, they spanned the perimeter of the mirror and tighten from below to disguise this additional sword.



We are not talking necessarily about that which you have and continues to serve you, helping out, when the relatives descend or distant guests. If you still need it — let it stand in the closet or is on the mezzanine. But it is no secret that many throw them away as useless — how many of them find around the holiday villages, former pioneer camp or recreation. But the material of the tubes — durable, and the design of cots — conscience, that is, durable. Here I propose to give them a second life; it is especially useful to owners of summer cottages or garden houses, and just elderly people coming out to breathe in nature, in the nearest green area. I mean a light, comfortable folding chair.



Lathe in a home workshop is not a luxury but a primary necessity: the fact of the matter is necessary to produce parts that are in the geometry are called solids of revolution. But is it really impossible to do without a lathe? Not to remember us on the old, reliable, easily formed material — plaster. There are many details that there is no need to sharpen the cutter for hours to iron with sandpaper, polishing, etc. and all they could be plaster. Working with plaster is much easier than with wood or metal, and “machine” for this can easily be done in just a quarter of an hour from a sheet of thick plywood or chipboard in the center of which is inserted the axle — a metal or wooden rod. Still need a “cutter” — a plywood template with a metal cutting edge. The contour of the edge must correspond to half of the cross section of future products, for example, the layout of the wheel.


Banjo – a stringed musical instrument with a body in the form of a tambourine and a long wooden neck as the guitar, which usually stretch from four to six strings (can be up to nine). Banjos belong to a kind of guitar with a resonator but most of it is similar to the European well-known mandolin (although the banjo is more sharp and ringing sound). In Europe the tool came from America in the 1830-ies, and there, from West Africa in the late 17th century with the black slaves who first made the body of the banjo from dried pumpkin.

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