In our small apartment and the kitchen is small: only 6 m2. Not really much to go, but there is also a need in the dining table because the kitchen in our conditions, multifunction room, including a dining room. But standard store table, even folding, I’ll take the last meters. The way out is to make it yourself.The main task posed this to me, is to develop a design that would meet several essential requirements: ease during meals; compact size at its end, that is, the ability to develop; at the same time be a container for kitchen utensils.
In our area, where most of the year is negative or close to zero temperature, it is foolish not taken advantage of the free cold storage of vegetables, fruit, roots. It would be nice. for example that the houses were built with the corresponding chambers in the walls of the kitchen, where he was would be Santa Claus. But somehow, the architects of this not yet provide. However, the situation can be corrected by yourself. I have made and for several years successfully operated kitchen wall Cabinet-column for storing potatoes. Through the intake tube, it enters from the street the cold air. Overlapping holes if necessary, you can adjust the temperature in the column.
Interior of modern apartment became fashionable to decorate various architectural forms. These include decorative arch, installed in the openings of corridors. The construction of the arch (Fig. 2) consists of two shaped plates, made of chipboard with thickness of 12…16 mm, sewn stripes hardboard (fiberboard) 5-mm thickness. The arch is fixed in the opening of the wall by means of screws and wooden bosses mounted on the support-base that is attached at the top of the opening. Making the arch begins with the selection of the shape and size of the circuit (in the figure, are the most common form). The contour of the arch is drawn on a piece of cardboard in full size. The layout is only one half to use it as a template for a complete circuit (see figure).
Even if you only have two beds under the window — all the same handling and care of plants requires some set of instruments. And furthermore, if you have a garden or garden. There are different cleavers and choppers, knives and rippers, diggers and rake, and even packets of fertilizer, Yes, banks-bottles with fertilizing or pesticides — typed “baggage”, which would be good in some place, leaving the precinct, not to run back and forth every trifle, and would have everything at hand.
Not talkr the house, but the fence around it has a lot to say about the host: one it’s an easy fence, another fence and the third fence. But whatever the barrier, it is necessary to maintain order, then it looks very different. Here are some practical tips, suggested to readers of the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.
The second bread is often referred to as potatoes, thereby emphasizing the critical importance of this culture. But the complexity of cultivation, especially in individual sites, it is far not on last place. Especially if all the work done here the old fashioned way, without any mechanization. To make the gardener’s life is designed by me designed the device, which simultaneously performs two functions: tracer and planters. Seeing the art project at work, neighbors one and all, longed to have the same (boost, by the way, almost three times the productivity in the trace-landing) or equivalent for personal use. Only here to satisfy that request is not possible: no now I have neither the time nor the appropriate materials. But there are sketches in which (see Fig.) anyone can personally to make this accurate (and the main thing — quite efficient) a copy of any “mechanical wizard”.
It would seem that the screen has gone forever from our life. Really, where now you see her —is amongst the theatrical props. And whether it is necessary in a modern apartment? It turns out — the need for it arises today. For example, in one malogabaritki the screen can be separated, for example, the bed of a sick or elderly person, a sleeping place of a child. In addition, it is now customary to organize housing according to the functional areas and its role here can play a screen. Furthermore, a beautifully executed, it becomes a winning decorative element of the interior.