SECRET CASTLEOn the door there are no visible locks or holes for keys, but it won’t open, as if locked from the inside. Knowing its secret, we can say that, because on the other side of the door really is the catch. But it is locked… from the outside, although at first glance it is not clear how.
The secret to “hiding” lost among the heads of the screws on the door surface hex head furniture screw. Insert a hex key-crank and make it a half-turn, the door will open.

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VERANDA ON THE UPPER BALCONYFor most Russians the prospect of improving housing conditions is very slim. Therefore, in the existing apartments have to equip the corridors and corners (if any) of all kinds of mezzanines. But if all reserves are exhausted? There is still… a balcony.
It can be turned into a porch. It is not so difficult when the apartment is located on the top floor. Then each balcony located at the top — this is roof for those below. Here, frame set and glaze it — no problem. And if the floor is the last? Not everyone dares to erect the roof on this floor. The most difficult element of the veranda in this case node pendants of the roof.

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WATER To have in the house mansion year-round water system and the more automatic is the dream of any host, it does not have. Of course, building with this purpose, a water tower and to drill a deep artesian wells, hardly anyone of them is ready. Yes, this currently, and no need is created by other systems, and quite compact and different performance. Such supplies made in, say, Italy or Spain, sold in all cities and even major towns of Russia. However, their price is higher than the average (by her I mean the purchasing power of the middle class, to which the vast majority of Russians don’t even come close).

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WORKBENCH-FOLDINGTo design present a universal (I believe) bench is a necessary desktop DIY I came across several years of studying technical creativity. It was designed based on their needs. But I think about the same requirements to such equipment his Studio have most other home handymen. Workbench foldable and small in size. However, due to the original pressure of the knot on it to handle you can pin a fairly large parts and products, installing them in a vertical plane, and at multiple fixed angles.

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I-250 (MIG-13)

I-250 (MIG-13)I-250 (MIG-13). Scale model 1:33.

Work on the creation of a fighter pilot naval aviation I – 250 mixed power plant began in accordance with the resolution of the bills from may 22, 1944 at the OKB. A. I. Mikoyan.

The first flying prototype of the aircraft, called I-250 were transferred to the factory test in February 1945

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PATTERNED PHOTO FRAMEFor those who do not have the skills in doing the carving, but wants to make a product decorated with a simple pattern, it may be advisable to start with the manufacture of the original frame for the photo.

The design of it does not require labour-intensive operations. The stiffness of the frame provide the glued together slats. After grinding the product line of bonding become virtually invisible.

To perform a geometric pattern you can use the chisel, and if necessary a hammer, which facilitate the work and contribute to the improvement of the quality of the thread.

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HUTIn the folk tale “the Fox, the hare and the rooster” says: “Fox has built himself a hut of ice from snow and ice, and honey – bast, of sturdy twigs Yes dostochek…”.

However, although there are true tales, but the hare could not build such a material for the entire house, because the phloem is bark. According to the ancient dictionary – “podgorje, Spodnja tree bark, covering oblong”. But really, the Luba went to Russia not only for bast bast Yes – they are covered and roofs of houses.

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WHEN Any individual developer, since the development of the site or the erection of a house on it, just have to first build at least a small and simple toilet. Although I would note that great solidity of this building is no different even in areas with mansions. But for modern portable toilets easy booth with a flat floor is required (which is installed on the bricks, and shown on the General arrangement drawing).

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PROPELLER FOR WIND GENERATORUnfortunately, problems with electricity occur more often, and there is no guarantee that you will pass this Cup, no matter where you live in the city or in the countryside.
To protect yourself in case of “emergency” situation, it’s best to purchase a diesel mini-power station, but… not all of it is the pleasure afford – the unit itself costs a lot, and even “feed” his need, and “oats now roads.” Another thing – the wind power. It is possible and to do that, and then – save your energy and use when needed. Many prudent owners of summer residences and personal plots do.

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The journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, according to my calculations, for a long time can already be entered in the “Guinness Book of world records” for number of published articles on homemade from plastic bottles. Why not just made them attentive readers! Glasses and sockets for jam, glasses and shades, galoshes and beach mattresses, funnels and megaphones, rotary vane and hull models of yachts, hydropneumatic rockets and mentality cylinders under compressed air for aircraft with pneumatic actuators and decorative candle holders.

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