LIGHT AND FANTASY...As soon as we get a new apartment or refitting the old capital, followed by furniture there is a question of lamps. And if the industry had long ago mastered the production of sets of furniture, then pick up otnositelnye lamps is almost impossible, despite the abundance in the shops all sorts of chandeliers, sconces, lamps and floor lamps. The reason is simple: the headset lights are not made.

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COVER ON CHAIRThe problem is small but not invented, and most importantly – serious. The negative influence of draughts on human health obviously, and there was low back pain, and sciatica, and lumbago in muscles. The clinics, staffed by modern professionals usually equipped with office chairs and armchairs.

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NO WORSE THAN FLATThe simplest water supply and Sewerage for country home. To live in the country like human beings, should, in principle, not so much — light, water, a decent toilet and sanitation. With the light problems not too much— even if there is no centralized electrification of the suburban village, you can buy portable gasoline generator and enjoy all the benefits of civilization, which gives electricity.

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TABLE-FUNGUSIts round tabletop and the same support can be of different diameters depending on the purpose of table: to be coffee, chess, or stand for flowers. Here for the latter and proposed a variant of its construction by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.

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Choose quality tool

Choosing a quality toolOriginal and counterfeit: don’t buy a poor quality tool. When you select the tool great a risk to run into an unscrupulous seller, and is reliable and durable products of the famous brand to buy a low-quality forgery, not only is not able to fully perform its function, but also dangerous to life and health of the user. Tampered with not only the tools, but snap to them. in case of failure to repair such a tool is practically impossible: a guarantee that the buyer expects, it does not apply, and damage is usually so severe that it is easier to throw the defective unit.

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EASY LACE TREEOn any country site, especially if it is located near the forest, have a special sense of closeness to nature. And perhaps that’s why it is very natural and aesthetically pleasing looks all made of wood from a picket fence and a modest shed to a delicate tracery gazebo or log bathhouse.

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