OUT OF THE CLOSET — THE WALLFrom time to time the furniture (and often separate items) in the apartment updated, although the old is obsolete it is not enough to send it to a landfill. What to do with it? To sell? Present? But who needs it, even if the owners decided to change it. But to throw away is unsustainable. But if the boss — man artisan, he will find a decent use unneeded piece of furniture and make it what you need to, and buy — lack of resources.

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WARM THE CASTLE...Every year with the onset of winter weather, many owners of private garages, sheds and other outbuildings are truly faced with a “tragedy” — the freezing of the overhead of locks on gates and doors. Very often this phenomenon occurs with the widespread locks rack type, and then you can see how unhappy the owner is trying to hammer the key into the hole tucked under the arm or warmed stone of the castle, pouring in hot water, and sometimes uses a blowtorch.

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Periodicals are expensive, but still they are discharged, because it is difficult to imagine today’s life without Newspapers and magazines. Given that each family member has their favorite publications, typed them in the house a lot, and they accumulate sometimes a large slide. It is not so easy to find the right edition, especially if the owner likes order and tries to clean up any wardrobe.

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SVETOSERVICERemember as a child playing with blocks. He puts down one, two, three, top zagromozhdaet yet — and it turns out a car, home or tower. Cubes rebellious, impatient child — the structure breaks down. A shame, crying — you have to start all over. In a few months the game is boring, and some cubes will get lost” Purchase three or four dozen bulbs for flashlight, please take a few evenings and you will be able to make the child a game which is performing the functions of the cubes, significantly than entertaining and will be useful to him.

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Sometimes you need to control the lights (or other devices) of two points far remote from each other. It may be required in the long corridor, and in the garden, or even in a small modern apartment. This task will help to solve the proposed circuit. For Assembly you will need two toggle switches and Read more…


IRON-VULCANIZERWith the help of electric iron, you can quickly and safely fix Velocimetry, warmers, Pasika recorders, inflatable toys, etc. m by putting patches and connecting them vulcanized. The connection is so strong that when you try to separate the rubber patch will not break at the bonding, and in a new place.

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