BLOCKS The cubes have always been for kids the most popular toys, because most “obedient” to their fantasies and allow yourself to collect a variety of shapes. But the kids pretty quickly “outgrow” them, lose interest in simple geometric forms. What if there are several complicated? For example, to glue together two, three, four cube? Of these elements, says the Hungarian magazine”, Earmaster” to collect the figures will be harder, and hence more interesting for older children because the game becomes like a puzzle.

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AS A VILLAGE WITHOUT A TRACTOR?(The end. Beginning at No. 8 and 9,’02)
FRONT PANELS the front has cutouts for the levers transfer case and the inclusion of the rear axle, under the steering column and cut a window under the main brake cylinder (GHZ). From top to Polycom welded bracket for additional securing the steering column, opposite the window under the GTZ — bracket-lever-pedal control rack of the fuel pump (“gas”). The bottom is welded strap attachment GTZ, brackets, brake and clutch levers for the transfer case and the inclusion of the rear axle.

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TRUST CALCULATION COMPUTERWith the calculation of the resonant circuits (filters) have to face almost every radio Amateur. It is proposed to sub-contract the performance of this work a personal computer, using the program, interface is understandable and accessible to almost anyone. It all comes down, essentially, to the answers to the questions that are displayed on the monitor screen.

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FLIPPED — AND HOURS WENTI want to share one small advice. I have an old, since Soviet times, wall clock Mayak. In General, a good watch and was exactly, and a good design, and well preserved externally. But one day they suddenly started to lag, and then stood up. First, changed the batteries, cleaned contacts — nothing helped. After an unsuccessful repair, I was told that they have long no parts and, in General, the road them to the dump.

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WINNER MACHINEWhen 25 years ago on the pages of Newspapers and magazines began to appear about the creation of an electronic cybernetic machines are able to play dominoes, checkers, chess and other games, readers in different ways embraced the news. Alone, tossing up her hands in astonishment, and said, “just Think! What came to technique!” Other, moderately severe, people shrugged their shoulders: “Do scientists have nothing better to do?” “What are you — objected to them and others, not so serious, — let them enjoy themselves. It is necessary for scientists to have a rest after hard work”.

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SIKORSKY UH-60L BLACK HAWKIn December 1976 the American helicopter firm Sikorsky was announced as the winner of the competition to design a multi-purpose tactical transport helicopter for the US army to replace the UH-1. The firm submitted a helicopter S-70 (UH-60), which made its first flight two years earlier in October 1974. Then the machine became the basis of the production program of the company. All the years of serial production built more than 1000 copies.

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FAN... LAMPThe principle of operation of my proposed homemade svetvincenat “Whelan” is forced Ventilation of the Lamp bulb and heat the bottom of the room with warm air by sending heat to the floor, which is the “waste” of the light source. Moreover, the “Whelan” cleans the air from dust. And the lifespan of the lamp filament is thus significantly increased.

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ROCKETThe proposed model is made by the known, so-called “Moscow” scheme. Its main feature is folding the rotary wing. It is made of balsa plate with a thickness of 3.5 mm. the Center section — size 340×65 mm, ears length 140 mm — trapezoidal shape. All three elements of the wing shaped and edged for rigidity along the contour of the fake rails. The width of the front edge of 2.5 mm, the rear is 3.5. The connection of the center section and “ears” swivel, silk strips of 12 mm width, glued on the bottom. From the top, at a distance of 20 mm from the axis of rotation, affixed the hooks, wire, allied with a diameter of 0.5 mm for hanging rubber bands return “ears”. Where you touch the rubber bands to the plane of the wing are reinforced with celluloid overlays. On the center section of the fixed back two hooks. One, closer to the center, the left half for the elastic return of the wing, the other on the right, closer to the edge— thread for the fixing of the wing during takeoff.

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YOUR WORKPLACEYOUR WORKPLACEThe scientific organization of labor, rational layout and equipping of workplaces is an important reserve for increasing productivity and improving product quality. Not casually the Exhibition of achievements of national economy of the USSR, devoted to MUSIC, always attract the attention of specialists in various sectors of the economy, including young innovators, participants of all-Union review NTTM.

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