NOT JUSTIFIED HOPESTorpedo bomber TBD-1 Devastator. In 1927, for service with the us Navy received the first aircraft carrier of special construction — the Lexington CV-2 and Saratoga CV-3. Then, in 1934, they were joined by “Ranger” CV-4. Began a large-scale program of rearmament of the fleet. Until the end of 1941 it was planned to build and put into operation four more ships: the “Yorktown” CV-5, enterprise CV-6, “Wasp” CV-7 and hornet CV-8. Their weapons required new advanced combat aircraft, because each was planned to accommodate up to 90 vehicles: fighters, dive bombers and torpedo bombers.

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The resolution of the State defense Committee 4043сс dated 4 September 1943, ordered the pilot plant No. 100 in Chelyabinsk in cooperation with the technical office of the Chief armored Directorate of the red Army until November 1, 1943 to design, manufacture and test ordamaged EC-152 on the basis of the is tank. Its immediate predecessor — the self-propelled gun SU-152 (KV-14), the basis for which was the KV-1s.

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PEUGEOT 307 CAR 2002

PEUGEOT 307 CAR 2002In November 2001, the authoritative international jury of fifty-five journalists from leading European automobile magazines named the PEUGEOT 307, the contestant from France, “European car of 2002”; second place was awarded to the new RENAULT LAGUNA II, and the honorary third FIAT STILO.

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REPAIR IMPORTED CDSIf you find that the remote control system (CDS) import the TV starts to fail, the first thing I usually replace a power supply in the remote. However, it is unlikely that the performance of the system was then restored fully and permanently. Often TVs continue to “act up”: require precise aiming of the remote, not controlled from great distances, do not work with the first button push…

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RECEIVERS-SOUVENIRSTake a look at the placed on the fourth page of the cover. It would seem that the similarities between these fun figures and radio? However, a question may ask the inexperienced reader, but for the guys from the Moscow Palace of pioneers there are no secrets: inside each colorful souvenir — detector receiver. For example, this tiny doll made by Vladimir Trusov, takes the radio station “Mayak”, operating on the wave of 547 m, and “Lunokhod” Yuri Kozyrev— long-wave radio station on the wave of 1734 m.

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THE BRITISH BOMBER AND THE NUCLEAR BOMBEnglish bomber CANBERRA is considered one of the most famous warplanes of the world. The period of its serial production lasted from 1949 to 1963, and during this time the plants produced 1352 “canberr” of various modifications, the armament in 16 countries. The largest customers of these aircraft was the Indian air force, Peru, Venezuela and Argentina. The car had very good longevity and wherever she had to be armed, had a reputation of a reliable and tenacious. More than fifty years have passed since the beginning of its serial production, but today the “old” CANBERRA is in battle formation together with the newest machines of the XXI century.

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In recent years, widespread integrated circuit, which is a nearly complete unit (amplifier, radio or audio frequencies, a detector, etc.) or radios in General. However, for all its appeal (especially for mass production of narrow-purpose machinery) excessive specialization of IC circuit is devoid of flexibility and impedes the solution of diverse tasks assigned to the electronics. Report that and produced a huge number of more versatile chips, the so — called operational amplifiers (op-amps).

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THE LAST BIPLANE OF THE CURTISS COMPANYIn the history of American carrier-based aircraft has a prominent place scout bomber company Curtiss SBC HELLDIVER, which was the last carrier-based aircraft-a biplane at the naval aviation of the USA. United States Navy signed June 30, 1932, with the Curtiss firm a contract to develop a new two-seat carrier-based fighter-monoplane XF12C-1 with a two-engine R1510-92 625 power HP company Wright — all-metal, closed cockpit, retractable landing gear and high wing type “parasol”.

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OCEAN ESCORTIn 1950-e years the Navy has a new enemy — jet aircraft. High speed and powerful weapons of new generation aircraft need to increase the range of their interception. But the first attempt to implement destroyers anti-aircraft missile systems, medium range as we already know have failed (see “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 9 for 2002). A two-stage Terrier with difficulty placed on the rebuilt “Hayate”, demanded too much space. Of course, the Americans could abandon its use, focusing on lighter single-stage “Tartarus”, but the desire to cover their carriers are far anti-aircraft “umbrella” gave rise to another solution. Times little space, so it is necessary to build larger ships! So there is a new subclass of destroyers, received in the USA the designation “missile frigates”, or “missile, the leaders of the destroyers” (DLG — Destroyer Leader, Guided Missile).

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