MODEL-A COPY OF THE CHAMPIONIn the laboratory, missile and space modeling of the Moscow city Palace of children’s (youthful) creativity of the work on the creation of models-copies of the booster (PH) “Soyuz” was launched in 1984 with the arrival of the Chelyabinsk rakatomalala Alexander Left, while a student at the Moscow aviation Institute. In developing the model tried to take into account not only all the achievements in the construction of models-copies PH “Union”, created in different years domestic rakotomalala — S. Parnevik, V. Rozhkov, A. Klochkov, A. Korchagin, V. hohlovym and A. Bachey, but not to repeat the shortcomings of their designs.

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DESTROYERS OF THE XXI CENTURYIn the early 1980s, the years of the cold war at sea has reached its climax. The unprecedented growth of the Soviet Navy — qualitative — inspired West well-founded fear. The USSR not without success, aspherical American goodsto in the oceans— only in 1981-1983 and the sea came holoeye ships from four new series: missile cruiser “Kirov” and “Glory”, the destroyer “Modern” MIC “Swashbuckling”… the Soviet anti-ship missiles at soem characteristics — range, speed, power, warheads, far ahead of the best Western samples. Never a history of Russian fleet was not as Arnim tool miraaj policy, and as the time, separated from us by two decades. Largely it was the merit of Admiral S. G. Gorskaya, nearly 30 years held the post glaucoma of the Navy. He was able to convince party leadership of the USSR that without a powerful Navy ornago our country will not be able to compete with the United States and will Aetna doomed to the “subordinate” position.

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Good help the Modeler will have an overhead projector, which is easy to make yourself. It can be used to increase or decrease to the appropriate size drawings, projecting them on the screen (or drawing paper), to show a small audience illustrations from magazines and books to highlight directional light the details of the models when taking pictures.

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VELOMOBILES FROM TAMBOVToday for all to see business people, lawyers and politicians. However, there is a sphere of activity for which time is not affected. In the General case it works, and in particular technical work. There are always people, which no adversity can shake their desire to Express themselves and realize their creative plans and projects. Often they are willing to sacrifice for his craft, his passion. And these people are not alone, their genuine enthusiasm is transmitted and other charges gives you the strength for the difficult creative process.

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GAZ-69The signing of the agreement between Ford Motor company and the government of the USSR on may 31, 1929, was the basis for the establishment at the time the giant automobile plant in Nizhny Novgorod, where shortly after the American licenses were issued trucks FORD-AA and cars FORD-A. In the late 30-ies of the GAS has mastered production of the SUV GAZ-61, and then, in 1941, the GAZ — 64 and, finally, in 1943, the famous jeep of the great Patriotic war, the GAZ-67B.

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CATAMARAN OUT OF FOAM...On the waters of the Urals in recent years began to appear a catamaran out of foam. They are unsinkable, easy to operate, durable and simple to manufacture. The figure shows the design of this catamaran. Dimensions: 3750×1600 mm, plate thickness from 40 to 150 mm, the height of the float 200 im and a width of 400 mm. Weight of 1 m3 of foam plastic is about 20 kg. Plates are cut on a special fixture with a nichrome wire heated to 200-250°, or on a special machine, the design of which is described in No. 9 of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” for 1971.

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TO GIVE THE MODELER WINGS!The entrance to the house I saw a boy pet of the twelve who, standing in front of Mr. he, gave to someone signals. All his efforts, however, remained unanswered. To login for some reason he hesitated. And from the open window came the sound of muffled voices, in a brightly lit room, something made guys and were clearly visible, glittering with fresh paint model airplanes.

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MODEL-A COPY OF THE CHAMPION(The end. Start at # 5 and 11 ’02)


The carrier rocket “Soyuz-2” spacecraft “Soyuz TM-12”. The article “Soyuz” space survivor” (“modelist-Konstruktor” No. 5’02) it was told about creation and tests of the spacecraft and the carrier rocket, which became the prototype for a whole series of these ships and missiles. Their modifications were successfully used for manned flight programs of national long-term orbital stations “Salyut” and “Mir”, and now — to fly to the International space station (ISS). In the same issue of the journal was given detailed drawings of the carrier rocket “Soyuz-2”.

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