AT FULL GALLOP ON A SPRING...In Moscow last year in the framework of the “Moscow courtyard” is an accomplishment of territories near houses: broken rekultiviruemye new or old lawns, flower beds, public gardens, installed gazebo and just benches, decorating, sports and children’s playgrounds. Among the latter the most common, but there are unusual complexes with groups of figures based on folk tales. However, even for typical playgrounds are mounted separate simple but fun game structures. One of these and is offered to our readers.

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ROTARY HARROWROTARY HARROWWhat could be simpler than a rotating roller with teeth! Bumping clods of ploughed soil, he crushes them like a harrow. Peg line Ripper developed members Vorovskogo mug enemskoe school Rashid Salikhov and Adam laiuk. Young designers have made the main working bodies of two steel kolkovich a roller and a rake with long teeth. When you want a superficial loosening of the soil, has some rollers, driven by electric motor. Transport wheels at this time raised above. frame.

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European Nazi Empire, Germany and Italy, showed a coincidence of interests on many issues. Was no exception and the construction of a naval fleet. Both the “leader” — Hitler and Mussolini — were eager to have powerful ships in the greatest possible number. But “nepredstavleniem” classes — in particular, the escort forces paid no attention. Both powers entered into world conflict with virtually complete absence of specialized combat vessels suitable for convoy and anti-submarine warfare.

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MOTORGLIDERMaterialiter Mr-3-4 (motor cultivator, 3-I model, 4-rotor) is a result of long searches conducted by young inventors. The final version consists of engine, from chainsaws “Friendship” with a homemade step-down gear, the Whole mechanism is mounted on a frame supported on two rubber wheels of the kart. Handles are two section of water pipe; the spacer between them fastened pivotally with the front wheel which functions as a regulator of penetration.

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LATE IMPROMPTUIt would seem that Imperial Japan was preparing for an inevitable clash with their enemies very carefully. Why are only plans to capture the Philippines, Singapore, various Pacific Islands, is gorgeously designed and, despite their riskiness, successfully implemented. However, Navy staff and command of the combined fleet knew all this was good only for “lightning” war. The outcome of prolonged confrontation with the United States is not in doubt — the Japanese economy could not compete with the us, that sooner or later would inevitably have led the descendants of the samurai to a heavy defeat.

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FROM THE BIKE TO In fact, it all started with the bike. Or rather, since that day in the small town of Mlada Boleslav in the North-East of the Czech Republic released a Bicycle equipped with a small engine. To us, the current owners of mopeds, motorcycles and cars, became a little clearer as to why an ordinary phenomenon gave impetus to our conversation, explain that it was at the end of the last century, at the dawn of the automotive industry.

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MODEL OF AIR COMBATThe main parts of the design-balsa ribs, pine spars and foam sock. Working on the model (or, as happens most often, on a series of models) it is better to start with the production with the help of Thermaltake it socks. Construction of the “ball”, melkosortnogo packing or foreign blue foam on metal templates cut blanks length of about 500 mm. the Best material, it is necessary to recognize, is the blue foam. Although it is more expensive, its advantages are invaluable – in the cut he almost has no pores. Hence, the increase in the mass of glue when the wrapping paper will be lower. In addition, at low density and stronger than other varieties.

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